It was such a determining factor that people never noticed it was in the game before. Elitists will always find an excuse for anything when they do bad.
Covenants cannot. Whatever Covenant you choose there is going to be bosses/dungeons ect that you will be bad at. This allows a causual with the covenant that is superior for that boss, to top meters becuase of having the right covenant.
Also Mythic + Drops are way reduced, raids loot reduced, but will they still hand causuals Herioc raid level? Ya probably.
And there will be bosses/dungeons your Covenant ability is going to be good against. That’s called a Trade-off. I know its difficult to grasp the idea that you have to make decisions that have a consequence, but you and Oaken will survive.
The point is the direction they are pushing. Funny they are also using the “RPG” excuse for spell Variance.
Spell variance isn’t a big deal, its just the things they are doing, as a whole, and what they are saying that is creating a big picture of what is trying to be done.
Lol see Ralph 2, try to explain to what, what I already said and completely miss the point.
Here’s my overall point on our chat though: with soulbinds altering covenant abilities, any ‘compromise’ that involves just swapping covenant abilities has to include so many other things that you’re basically fully swapping the covenants anyway, just with different visuals.
So we might as well be discussing the frequency and difficulty of covenant swapping rather than simple solutions that don’t work.
I probably get more into arguing than is necessary (just like everyone) but I don’t actually take it to mean anything personal. If I did, I’d use the ignore function rather than get into an argument about it.
Fair enough. It’s something worth addressing anyway because the issue is definitely not going to go away unless a ton of people just up and quit… and that’s not what I want to see happen.
Which I’m in agreement on. Although the balancing will certainly be interesting to see, the idea of such deep customization and character-building is very interesting to me.
it does not even sense from a lore based perspective.
These covenants are not fighting, they are working together for a single goal. There is no reason to be locked to 1.
Most of the causuals that defend this very system want factions to be removed. Yet then they defend this. It has nothing to do with that, thats plain as day.
They see Daddy Blizz giving them the ability to best people of better skill, due to their covenant choice, and want to feel superior to an elitist as they say, even if only in 1 boss fight. Nothing more.
This entire system is the literal defition of welfare.
First, you’ll blame the Covenants, then the variances, the legendaries, the professions, the classes, and at last the racials for your shoddy performance because the game is clearly at fault for the mistakes you make.
Placating progressive raiders and mythic dungeoneers is impossible. Always has been, always will be because none of you want to play an RPG with the RP in it.
This system, will make it impossible to be at your best in every encounter that is the goal.
Thats not blaming something for mistakes made, thats a hard wall where your going to be bad at XXX fight or content, due to your covenant choice.
Legendaries can be switched and sourced easily so no there is no reason for that.
Sometimes a Spec is bad, sure then you play a diffrent one.
Racials are not that important truly. They are a small damage boost, if that. Not game breaking at all.
Ion said, that you should not do better than another hunter because you press your buttons more effectively. Thats utterly ridiculous. Of course you should…
The ones that impact specific abilities? Ok. And? Their entire purpose for existing was to balance Covenants with their separation. If there is no separation with the abilities, then there’s no reason for them to exist.
Math is hard I guess. There’s like 1 covenant specific one per your class. But then there’s a load of just general ones. You wouldn’t quadruple anything. You’d just get 3 more conduits.
And you are mistaken.
But it’s literally the same thing but without ruining covenant identity.
I must have some huge brain then if I find this pretty simple to wrap my head around.
So you admit you have like no stable ground to stand on. You literally just said “A rework would be impossible if it wasn’t reworked.”
I also just wanted to mention they could probably remove the covenant specific conduits if the abilities are made available to all. The only reason they were made was in an attempt to balance.