Covenant allied race megathread

I would love playing a Kyrian! Their wings as the racial flying mount = perfection


Ok but no seriously. We really need covenant allied races. The more I play SL the more I want them.


Sylvar from Fae, Ven’thyr possibly from Revendreth (might have to ignore the whole “The light… it burns!” thing…), and Kyrians from Bastion. The others like Vorkai and Faeries, Liches, Stewards etc could all be toys like the Acolyte’s guise from Maldraxxus with customizable features.

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That only refers to the “Holy Light”. Because that region has a rift leading into it from the realm of light. Hence why there are lightspawn. Their reaction it it is similar to undead reaction. It’s painful and without strength of will can drive them insane.


I hope we hear about it in blizzcon. But it might not be until end of expac or next xpac.


I hope we do as well. You’re probably correct that it’ll be towards the end of the expansion, similar to how it was in BFA.

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I mean by 9.1 most players should have maxed out their covenant no? Not sure where everyone is atm. But still got like what 2 months at best for 9.1? So completing the story and reaching max renown could make it happen in 9.1. But I find it more likely that 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 will focus on increased customization for core and allied races and 9.3.5 or 9.4 will bring in covenant allied race after we presumably defeat the jailer and save the shadowlands.

Would be cool if they got their own starting experience like exiles reach. It wouldn’t be a unique zone just their respective shadowland zones where you go through a quick (hour max) questline that explains why and how you’re going to azeroth and your purpose there. Maybe even at the end you meet chromie who says the timelines are under attack and that is your first duty as a member of your covenant going to azeroth (chromie time). Is to ensure time plays out as it is supposed to. Then when you reach level cap you’ll go into the next/current expansion at the time which I’m guessing is going to have to do with one of the cosmic forces most like light and or void.


That was a BFA feature. We aren’t getting Allied Races this expansion. We’ll be lucky if our current Allied Races get some expanded customization…

Allied races was also a Legion thing. The current xpac isn’t over, they could always be included in a later patch.


Gimme my Maldraxxi boneboys!

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It was a BFA pre-order thing that became available in Legion…when you pre-ordered BFA.

I want races, not allied races to unlock. Plus we have already done quite a lot of questing already.

Not opposed to new playable races, but I prefer the way blood elves and drenai were released.


You’re right, I forgot it was attached to the pre-order during Legion. Still hope we get them though at some point.

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Incorrect. They confirmed that allied races will be added ‘when and where’ they make sense.

There is no evidence to support this claim.

Blizzard has confirmed increased customization for allied races in a 9.x patch. And that increased customization will be an ongoing thing for at least the expansion and perhaps forever more now that it’s easier than ever to add new customization options.


Pretty sure bliz said this is unlikely to ever happen again.

Well, dang.

I think when they said this they meant they weren’t interested in adding completely new starter zones for new races. Which makes sense since that’s a massive development hog.

And I could be wrong here, but I think they prefaced this by saying they weren’t against doing it again if it made sense.


Same with making a new skeleton from scratch. They claim that the work on Kul tiran model/skeleton took more resources than all other allied races combined. This was before vulpera/mechagnome so idk if that is true after them. I wouldn’t be suprised if we get an allied race (maybe ogre or maldraxxian) using the kul tiran skeleton cuz they’re gonna wanna reuse that one since they put so much into it.

Interestingly despite no allied race currently using the worgen skeleton the worgen skeleton is extremely common for blizzard to use on beasts/npcs. Saberon, and Sethrak are quick examples.


Hopefully we see an announcement about the covenant races becoming playable during Blizzconline!


I hope so too, but if they only talk about 9.1 I doubt they’ll announce then. Covenant AR are probably more likely to appear in later patches, like 9.2 or 9.3. Really hope they’ll tease them though!