Hello for any/all wanting the covenant races to become playable allied races please show your support here. Also use the in game support tool to implement a suggestion in game. The more the hear us the more likely they are too make it happen. I was one of many players who hardcore campaigned for Vulpera and I will continue by Campaign for the covenant races.
Currently Sylvar and Venthyr show a lot of evidence of being player friendly (comparable to npc vulpera). Including backwards swim, several player exclusive animations. Mount animations. Able to wear most player gear with minimum issue.
While Maldraxxi and Kyrians are further behind they do possess the ability to wear player gear (well one species of maldraxxi the ones that use the kul tiran skeleton). Interestingly the aspirants have more animations than the ascended so sorry but we probably won’t be getting winged Kyrians. though suppose we could get a slow fall racial or like demon hunter ability as a racial. Maldraxxi are undead skinned Kul Tiran and have almost all of the kul tiran animations but they currently don’t have textured faces so all of them wear helmet/hood that covers their face.
It’ll be some work yes but I am quite sure blizzard will be able to justify it from race changes alone. I’d spend $100+ if they became playable on race changes. Plus increased time metric playing for those heritage armours.