Covenant allied race megathread

Make a night elf or night born to rp venthyr, kul tiran or undead to rp as maldraxxian, Draenei to rp as sylvar. Nothing works perfectly well for Kyrian. As only nightborn and trolls have blue skin and look nothing like them. Humans share a model but aren’t blue.

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I would LOVE to play as a Venthyr. Been wanting it since Blizzcon 2019. Hope this campaigning succeeds.


Oh, no, here we go again…

While yes it would be great and I’m all for new races, but unless something changes lorewise these races aren’t able to leave the shadowlands. So if this is made possible itd probably be close to the end of the xpac

It worked before it’ll work again.

What lore suggests they can’t leave the shadowlands? Because I’ve seen contradictory lore. Kyrian and Necrolords can leave the shadowlands at will. A Venthyr mentioned one of those magic mirrors they have goes to the material plane in a side quest iirc.


Except it doesn’t make sense lorewise for these races to be concerned with the petty disputes of mortals. Why would a Kyrian join the Alliance, for example?

I’m down for Covenants to be Allied Races, Sylvar and Venthyr, yes please, Necrolords I’m not sure which model we will get, Kyrians I dislike but I’m sure their be some people willing to play them.

So yes to them all!


Yes and I think they should be neutral like Pandaren and you pick your faction. Since all of us can pick any Covenant, the reverse should also be true.

I’m an altoholic and I’m always up for new races. I’d prefer new races over a class any day.


She’s a great character. I love her personality.

And with those Sethrak npc files specifically tied to her, it will be interesting where it might go.

Having them neutral would be the ideal situation.


Because when a mortal, a legendary mawwalker comes out of knowhere and saves your entire species and country let alone dimensional reality and perhaps the cosmos itself and they ask you to help their allies you’re kind of obligated no? Alternatively the next expansion is going to deal with the void and or the light and with the forces of azeroth heading the charge to defend the cosmos each covenant will send a garison to aid them for the sake of the shadowlands.

Lore is made-up. And I can think of A LOT more than those 2 reasons for them to join horde/alliance.

Course I’m an author. So I understand not everyone thinks like me, some folks tend to take things at face value.


Give me those deer girls! And the blue angel girls!

And I guess vampires and weird hooded dudes, I guess…

But deer girls and blue angels :ok_hand: gimme!


As you can see. I am very much PREPARED!


Got Nathria reserved as a name on my server, just in case.


Kyrians are clearly evil. That would make them an Alliance race.

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The Kyrians and the Venthyr get along pretty well actually and have similar ideals. Everytime I go to the Kyrian spots some npc is saying how they are so alike. And I have been inviting Sika and Pelagos/Kleia to my Ember courts.


The models look really plastic and terrible though

All of them? Cuz they’re comparable to current races except maybe kyrian needs more work on texture.

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with dog as my witness - if I could play as a faerie I would in a wingtbeat.

If someone from a small mostly unheard of third world country went to the UK and saved the life of the queen, as well as the entire country from severe famine. Then asked “Hey I have some problems in my own country if you could send some folks to help I’d appreciate it” do you really think the government would or even could say no?

The only one that is player friendly is the one based on the KT skeleton.