Covenant allied race megathread

I desperately want playable Sylvar. Please, Blizzard, I need it!!!


I personally don’t see any of them becoming playable allied races, and I think there’s a lot of lore and common reasoning there that would explain it.
If I had to pick though, I’d totally play one of those fairies.

I’ve always been Velaethia. Well before you were born.

We just don’t let nay-sayers in our discord.

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Sameeeee just need to RP as one using draenei until they become playable
 but no draenei druid so g uess I’ll make a shamanananana.

Kyrians and Venthyr for the horde!

Hopefully they are neutral races when they inevitably get added. We need more neutral races and if anything these races make the most sense for being neutral than not. Though if they aren’t I hope it’s Kyrian and Night Fae for alliance, Necrolord and Venthyr for horde.


I think I would be more surprised if they didn’t become ARs at this point. Maybe they will call them “Spirit Races” (or SRs) this time? After all, the “allied” part had more to do with the BFA 4th war than anything else.

Kyrians would naturally go to the Alliance, and should retain the wings. If Blizz cut corners and just made the aspirants instead of the ascended playable, it would be pretty lame though. They should get a racial flying mount using their wings, kind of like the worgen one but for flying.

Venthyr and Maldraxxi would be perfect for the Horde. Though I do think they would be the Ogre-ish Maldraxxi and not the skeletons (though I like the skellies better). Night Fae is obviously a shoe in for Alliance too.


I would love to see Covenant races playable, especially the Venthyr. But if they cannot be 100% neutral like the Pandaren then I do not want them added as playable races.


Please, please no sl races being made into ARs. Keep it in your rp and fanfiction they’re basically dead and have no organic ties to azeroth.

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And yet they can easily leave the shadowlands at will. And if the next expansion is about war with the void and or light it makes sense that the covenants would send soldiers to join the horde and alliance in their force against EVIL


Yes please! I would love to play as a Kyrian! These SL races are just too cool to not be made into AR


This right here, I would love for new allied races, especially the ones we work with in SL to be open to both factions, then no one should be able to claim favoritism.


Aye, not only that but then no one has to choose between playing a race they like, or playing with their friends. It sucks to be on one faction have then have a race you absolutely love go to the OTHER faction.


The only thing that can save this entire expansion is if the owl race becomes playable.


Allied Races strike me as more of a BFA thing, so I doubt we’ll ever get any more.

Of course, I’m happy to be proven wrong.

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Unfortunately they aren’t even in the dimension of being playable. I do love them though. Kyrians might have some references to them in their dialogue.

Blizzard’s official stance on future of allied races is “We’ll add them when and where they make sense” and of course what makes sense is completely arbitrary decision on their part. Though it is indeed possible that they get a re-title from allied to like soul races or anima races or covenant races. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re locked behind level 40 renown max rep with all the 9.0 factions completing the entire shadowlands campaign, and your covenant campaign and the side quests of each zone. Only for the expansion after to reduce it to just complete the campaign and zone story. (Which still requires high renown, but could be removed in the future)

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I kinda want to oppose the sylvari specifically because they feel too much like draenae to me.

Ok but Kul tiran humans are literally just big boned humans. Zandalari trolls are just upright fancy trolls. Vulpera are just furry goblins. Sylvar are furry draenei with 100% unique lore

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Except we already have reskinned dranae and they’re called lightforged. I do not want version 3.