Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

What does that have to do with covenant gatekeeping?

You seem confused Jalen.
I specifically already said the game already has AOTC and Raider IO gatekeeping. They wont add another “WALL” aka COVENANTS on top of that like you’re suggesting.

Jesus christ. lol :rofl:

Guarantee you don’t even notice your ability after 2 weeks. Meaningful choice :joy::joy:

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You’re delusional


“NO U”

see, I can do that too.

You want Blizzard to make something concrete like the Covenant Ability to be more flexible like a talent. That’s asking for a nerf. Hate to break it to you, but you’re asking to dumb down the game.

You use your anecdotal experience as a fact and you don’t see what is wrong with that? Let me explain with one question then.

Can your own experience dictate how X situation plays out for every single player in the game?

Therefore you can’t use your anecdotal experience as fact. It is wrong. Your experience is not how the game is for the millions of players playing the game.

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Who is your main? Maybe you could jump on to prove you’re not another Kiaya. (Lying about experiences they had on accounts that don’t exist anymore LOL)

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Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that :joy:

Brand new account. Calm down. Sit on your bench that you frequent so much.

Why are you even still here? People with achievements are talking. Go do some dailies.

Why don’t you make up some more stuff, maybe you were Gladiator, YEAH, RANK ONE GLADIATOR IN WOTLK

I fondly remember Wrathful Gladiator Kiaya in WoTLK.
So does that orc dude simping for you in here.

You asked and I answered. Somehow the out of date achievement is lying, but okay.

You seem pretty irate for skilled player.

You just don’t have any achievements at all, i asked, you made up a lie to give some ground to your opinion.

Unfortunately that’s not how it works.

What do you mean “anecdotal”?
What about what i’m saying isn’t ture?
Do you understand the context in which you converse?

To insinuate that because my experience is i’ve NEVER been gatekept in casual content from in game choices or gear that i’m LYING is just delusional.

Your statement is also hypocritical.
So because you believe your own experience may differ from mine, my experience is now “anecdotal”?
:rofl: :thinking:

Please tell me this isn’t your argument here.

Right, I’ve never been gatekept just for being enhancement.

Why would I lie about a, what, eight year old achievement?

But so long as you want the game nerfed…

Not even gonna address the “dumb down the game” comment because that’s dumb. But why is someone who doesn’t even really do the content, based on your character here, care about the so called game being “dumbed down”?

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No, it’s not. It’s asking Blizzard for more choice actually. What dumbs the game down is making a one time decision in the first week of the expansion, and then never thinking about it again.

Please explain to me how being able to choose encounter to encounter what ability you will go with dumbs the game down? Let’s dive into it.

Unlocked covenants: do I choose an aoe ability here and lose a bunch of singlet target? Maybe my utility ability works here. Maybe I should go ST ability because the 3rd boss in this dungeon is really hard. I’m gonna lose overally dmg because of this though.

Locked ability: what content are we doing? LOOOOOL doesn’t matter I chose my ability a year ago and I’m locked into it so I guess I’ll use it in exactly the same way and exactly the same situations as I did 365 days ago :slight_smile:

Reallllly fun, reallllly Meaningful choice I’ve made!


Honestly this.

I’ve literally removed a druid before on a key because he was feral.

Who doesn’t do any content*

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No thanks.

I love that you cant look past “IN GAME EXPERIENCE.”
I already told you I don’t play the top 1% game like you.
I already said I pug +10s and Heroic raids.

I run regular keys weekly with an enchance shaman friend.

Never had an issue.

sure it isn’t a raiderIO issue?