Who cares about the numbers jesus christ. It’s for the sake of the example. It’s an hypothetical situation to portray the problem. To give the problem an image easily understandable.
This class balance situation has existed in the past since way back to 2004. Why should the Covenants, influencing every classes in the game, be any different?
It’s actually about to be way worse this time around. Picking a covenant is essentially gonna create sub-classes. Creating imbalance in-between people of the same class and spec! That is absolutely insane.
That’s fine. You can look like a petulant whiner with the rest of the world firsters. I still think Method needs another warbler to continue ‘WoW is Pay to Win’.
Lich King 25man ‘Heroic Mode’. Than the raiding scene turned to garbage.
If I can’t PUG “casual” content because I need the Venthyr ability but I choose Necro then blizzard needs to do better designing and tuning the dungeon. Not the abilities.
Oh, that account is long gone. I had originally boycotted Blizzard after certain events elsewhere, but my nephew and a few of his friends bugged me to come back on.
Because that isn’t how the WoW community has EVER BEEN.
They don’t sit there and layer gatekeeping things for players.
WoW players are fundamentally “lazy” as heck. They check your IO and move on.
Or they check your AOTC and move on.
THey don’t sit there and check your IO, AOTC, Azerite, Talents, Spec, Corruption, Essences just so you can pug a casual AF +10 key.
DId someone do this to you? Are you speaking from experience? Because i’ve never had that happen. And if by a slim chance it did happen, I’d just move on to the next group because NO WAY everyone is acting like that LOL.
Im guessing it will all depend on how they sim when LIVE and people using different gear, talents , convenants , etc .
Unless we’re talking a incredibly huge gap in dps , which probably wont last long because blizz will nerf anything OP or Fun right after we all settled for a convenant , i’m really skeptical that people will get kicked or benched for picking the convenant they want!
If you are of the opinion that raiding turned to crap post ICC, I have some bad news for you.
I still remember the people complaining at the big difficulty leap of Cataclysm, and it got worse since then! (Read: worse as in more challenging, therefore better!)
Uh huh…so they can take the time to check all of these things and ask for players to link them achievements and even in ye olden days in person check players gearscore but can’t be bothered to check players Covenant choice.
puts up hands
Alright. This is going to be a fun decade old experiment where we’re all in shock about players being “excluded”. Hope I’m wrong.