Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

Why should we add another wall for the 99% to have to go through just to pug?


Guilds had endless sub 2% wipes on Ghuun, Jaina, Azshara and Nzoth.

If you’d had participated you’d understand what how progression raiding works.

If every raider was missing 5% dps with a wrong talent, it compounds.


Once again you show that you do not understand.
The player who picked Kyrian in my example will simply get benched, or even kicked from his group.

Two players of equivalent skill. One of them getting kicked or benched because of a decision that Blizzard decided out of the blue (reminder that this was never a thing in WoW until now) should be that impactful and very difficult to take back.


What made up wall is this?

I think last time this brought up Kiaya couldn’t understand why a guild would have a bench. This is what we are dealing with here.


The same walls that GD constantly complains about?

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I asked you.
Give me an example of a wall this will create if it doesn’t become a limiting talent choice?

You really can’t visualise


How do you know without doing the raid? All you have is an arbitrary number to plug into your calculator. You’re crying over something that doesn’t even exist yet, let alone is gradable.

If there’s no specific benchmarks a DPS spec needs to make that’s clear and apparent, how do you know?

It does exist. It’s called class balance.
You are too out of touch to talk about anything related to progression-raiding. I would ask that you abstain from touching this subject.


I’m pretty sure you have apt experience sitting on a bench.

So a made up scenario that will likely never happen?

That is a wall this will create?

Come on
try a bit harder.

Yes did you gather that from my 12/12M toon or my 9/12M toon?

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Makes a group all covens welcome lol!

“This guy doesn’t have “AotC / a high IO score / 2k achievement” and has the wrong Covenant choice? Decline/Kick this scrub”

Don’t know why we (not you unless shown otherwise) pretend that WoW players are all sitting in a circle and singing kumbaiya. The WoW Community sucks.

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It’s gonna be real meaningful when you don’t get into groups because you don’t have the optimal Covenant set up and people think you’re throwing. There’s some consequences for your actions.


You do need the game nerfed in order to help you out, so that’s a B Team mentality if I’ve ever seen one.

You have no tangible numbers. You haven’t even seen the raid because it doesn’t exist yet, but nah just plug in some random percentage and it’ll be fine.

Why an RPG should take you seriously is beyond me.

Help out what? What on earth are you talking about.

I’ve already explained if the system doesn’t change I’ve got multiple shamans to play. I’m allowed to be a doomsday prepper and criticise a garbage system.

Edit: Still waiting for your achievement you got when you pushed progression raiding. Feel free to name it whenever.

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You literally listed three things that are already used in game.
If you have those, but a different covenant than what you believe may be BiS for a M+ do you honestly think the community would do that?

NOT ONCE have I ever been looked at when I signed up for a key and asked why I didn’t have one azerite trait on one of my gear pieces, or why I choose this talent over the other. NOT ONCE

Just because you’re making up delusional “sky is falling” theories in your head doesn’t mean this actually happens in game.


If a covenant ability is going to be the deciding factor on whether or not players can finish high end content they need to take SL back to the drawing board. But wait a minute
 it’s not.

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