Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

No one called me out on… what crap anyway? Wut

You still didn’t explain your original point by the way…


I see you didn’t have a response for me. Is this what you do? Just move on to a different comment when your hill can’t be defended anymore.


Seems they either do that, or change the goal post to try and make their argument look better.


Is it really calling out?
Like is it genuinely?
Has this been a necessary pillar of a choice of yours to be so heavily locked and your choice to screw you until to be grinding yet again?

This sounds like the essence drama when people had alts, should I just be limited to a couple alts because I don’t want to spend weeks regrinding to use night fae again after raid tier 2.0 has damn ended?

How is that making a meaningful choice, I want to choose the covenant because it’s beautiful or matches my aesthetic, or I like the story, why put all this behind player power so I have to choose between progression and the choice of covenant I like the most?


Remember when everyone screamed their experience would be RUINED with bind of account essences, how EVERYONE would ubsub en mass yet somehow it was the most celebrated change of the entire expansion and now people are playing alts more than ever.

My main raid is 12/12 M
Our alt run is now 9/12M. Alts are great!


well said!

They aren’t and can’t be balanced.
What’s the point of making them a talent row if you already know which one you’ll want to pick? Weren’t you saying yesterday you must take Venthyr to be useful because Youtubers said so?

No, i was saying if blink was available to everyone - You would be straight trolling not to take it because the mobility it would provide would far outweigh anything a covenant ability could provide.

I think they should remove that ability completely.


One freaking ability man you can tell wow players don’t want a rpg game but call of duty instead.I welcome are coven rpg overlords!

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So remove Door of shadows
and give you fake talents to choose from even though there will always be a BiS for every scenario so you wont actually have a true choice to pick.

Nah. No thanks.

The top 1% need to learn to adapt depending on their choices imo.


They adapt by making four of the same class. A bandaid fix to a terrible system much how every raid uses RCLootCouncil to work around the awful choice to remove Master Looter for 0 reason.


Not according to your Achievements…

Or they have to try to talk to THREE progression players at the same time and can’t fit everything into one post?

But no, goal post moving.

If you want ultimate flexibility based on numbers instead of substance, play a MOBA. If you want something substantial and unique, play an RPG.

God this is so honest its amazing.

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Same with the players who pug raids, M+ and Rated PvP. Can’t wait to see the threads on GD of them getting kicked and declined…


“terrible system.”

You’re the type of player that sits online and complains about BfA all day, even though you play about 1000x’s more than your average player.

You know, most people quit doing something if they don’t enjoy it.
You should try it instead of asking for it to be changed specifically for you at the cost of many others enjoyment.


Again, what else is new? Join a guild.

What kind of adaptation do you have in mind with this system?

If you make the wrong choice and pick the covenant that’s worse for the content you prefer, what do you think the player can do to adapt? Can’t just magically push the buttons harder to negate the differences between covenants.


Everything the 1% does impacts the people in the lower brackets. Who do you think writes your icyveins guides and does your youtube videos?

I’m looking forward to the 99% crying because they were declined from a +7 key for picking Necrolord talent instead of the Kyrian.

I’d say it impacts the 99% way harder, actually.

At least us superior elite mythic raiders can play with guildies to do content why you remain a “invite” button in someones group finder.


funny you mention that i rarely got kicked back in legion when i did M+ and i spec the way i wanted i can’t wait to never come to the forums because finally coven will bring back the rpg into wow again!

Oh so it’s not just a 1% issue. Understood.


That wont happen. You have to be willfully ignorant if you think that’ll happen.

I’ve pugged many +10 keys and not ONCE was I ever asked to change my azerite/talents/class. And if they did, i’d just find another group.

Stop making up problems in your head and presenting them as facts.

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