Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

Didn’t we also establish that raid leaders on the ‘B Team’ shouldn’t need the game nerfed to get a spot on the ‘A Team’?

Makes me wonder why we have options at all when all people care about is teh best.


You should focus on trying to get into a D team first.


Because I think they create talents and abilities without really thinking about situations where each one can shine.


Blizzard could remove Covenants altogether and you’d still find something that needs to be changed for the sake of progression.

It’s literally a non-issue because it affects the people who’re already complaining about something else.

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Kiaya reaching once again, you’re my favorite boomer on the forums currently.


I wouldn’t actually. Because without the Covenants, there would be no external system that increases my character’s power. Only gear.

I would absolutely love that. WoD raiding was awesome.


So you think it’s a good idea to add another wall that pug players have to hurdle over? Alright. Can’t wait to read GD if it comes out like this.


How is it reaching when progression raiders keep complaining about racials for over fifteen years…

And look what ignoring the problem did the faction balance.

Theres what, 14 Alliance guilds in top 100 with 1 going Horde and 7 being Oceanic? Was your point to strengthen our argument?

Faction balance has been permanently damaged, there is nothing Blizzard can do to save the balance anymore. If you’re a top tier raiding on US - You play Horde, it is known.


The problem is how different they are. Speed boosts and true teleports don’t have a competing function, they have a measurable power. Imagine being able to do big skips as a non-nelf, non-Druid. It opens up a lot of play that wouldn’t exist otherwise.

Ideally, the complete package of abilities, soul binds, conduits, and legendaries would be comparable between covenants in terms of throughout AND utility. I think it’s a cool goal, but I’m not sure I see it yet.

“Make them all a talent row” is the low tech, inelegant answer, but really they need to make sure they balance this right from day 1, and make frequent and we’ll explained numbers passes until it’s right. For the utility abilities, maybe they should ALL be conduits, idk. Just spitballing.


there is literally no way you could possibly balance all of this for all content, there is no reason to not have multiple toons if this goes live, I’d need atleast one monk for raid and one for dungeons, then another toon for raid prog at bare minimum, I don’t see how I should be forced into having multiple toons to have decent options when I should only have 1 of the class


As far as the class abilities are concerned, is it really though? Seems easy enough to dump the 1 unpopular and bad covenant spell from the 4, and take the 3 remaining ones to add a talent row. It’s been ages since we’ve had a new one anyway.


And who dictates which ability goes and stays? And what about Soul Binds and Conduits? And what about using a Necrolord ability while playing as a Kyrian votive?

Oh what am I saying, progression players don’t care about story.

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Oh sorry, my bad, how dare I put gameplay first over story, that’s what’s most important about video games right?


Excuse you?

I’ve read every single WoW novel and short story. I’ve leveled every single heritage armor and quested in every zone.

I’m a regular poster on the warcraftlore subreddit.


So do you play video games that feel horrible to play but the story is on point?


Man people coming up with the worst takes ever just to die on the worst hills possible

Never change, boomers!


You know, the longer BfA goes on, the less I care about stupid decisions like this whole covenant ability thing. I think my long-term interest in WoW isn’t there anymore, and something like this isn’t going to be a big deal for my 1-month sprint to my goalposts in any given patch.

I do think it’s dumb though. A talent row that changed aesthetics based on story choices would have been fine.

It’s hilarious that people calling you out on your crap are now boomers.

It’s cute. Keep chasing those memes, like you keep chasing for excuses to nerf content.

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