Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

Let them be Venthyr.

See that makes more sense.

I thought the soul binds were tied to the class abilities as well, so the combination between utility and damage was the issue. But since its just the Signature ability, do whatever.

I’m not here to make a defense or argument as to why people should be one covenant or the other. I merely want the power choices, the spells that are directly made for each class to be able to be swapped between at any time. If everyone ends up playing Venthyr for door of shadows as it’s the “best” let them, they are “denied” the other aspects of the covenant system which is how it should be. Azerite powers are able to be swapped, which faction you choose to side with is a much more permanent decision. The same logic applies here.

chuckles in goblin

I thought the soulbind system was a lot more verbose than just the signature ability. But since everything is actually separate, I wouldn’t mind the damage abilities being a talent.

Having a unique Utility spell is enough for me, of course if they bring back specializations in professions, that would be another plus as well.

I’m glad we were able to come to an agreement. Now, back to the task at hand, make covenant class abilities into something like a talent row.


Agree that covenants should not in any way be tied to player power. Player power needs to ALWAY be kept seperate to cosmetics and appearances. It’s simply stupid to not seperate them.

Yea, there really is no excuse to lock power-exclusive abilities behind them.

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I guess all it took was a world first raider to drop his 2 cents to make the most unlikely people do a full 180 on this matter


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Look I’m just relieved Maevey was able to maintain his composure and gain a new fan.

Let’s go Shamans and lets go CL!

He helped clear up a misunderstanding…

Sure it has lol.

Of course you do.
Its your job to play this game…
Why wouldn’t you want the easy route?

edit: mind you, at the cost of peoples enjoyment that play this game for FUN.

Why do you equate a frustrating game with a more difficult game?

Those aren’t the same things.

Because the people who are against it don’t do difficult content.

That’s why they argue “muh meaningful choices”, when there’s nothing meaningful about simply picking the best Covenant for whatever you aim to do at the start of an expansion.

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I don’t do difficult content either, really. I tried getting into Mythic round Dazra’lor but the guild I was joining imploded.

I can still tell the last time Blizzard made power tied to choices you can’t undo was Diablo 2. And if you made the wrong choice, it wasn’t difficult to fix. You just levelled a brand new character.

That’s not more difficult. It’s just tedious.

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Diluting fun because high end players can’t adapt to a meaningful gameplay decision they made is the issue.

If we make the class specific abilities talents, then Venthyr really WILL be made necessary for everyone since it is basically a free teleport with no other meaningful choice tied to it.

For being such high end players, critical thinking is very much lacking in most cases. :roll_eyes:

How is it fun, exactly?

I can pick one ability that will suit me. Then I have to live without the other ones, regardless if I change my spec or what kind of content I want to do. If my interests change, I’m SoL. If blizzard decides to nerf it I’m SoL. If blizzard makes new content that I had no idea was coming, and the other abilities are better, I’m SoL. That doesn’t seem fun at all to me. It’s just getting screwed for no reason.

If you want to assign a cost to switching, that’s different. But locking in is just terrible design.


What’s meaningful about making a single decision and sticking it for the expansion?

So how does the current situation change that?

The only “meaningful” choice that gives you, is forcing you to go Venthry when you might have otherwise wanted to go Night Fae or Necrolord.

Have you never played an RPG before?
Do I really have to explain this to you…? LOL

Its meaningful because it is a power boost you acquire to alter your gameplay in a specific way. Might be great in some scenarios, might be “meh” in others.
To off-set that “meh” area, blizzard has opted to make SOULBINDS and CONDUITS to hopefully make up for that “meh” situation.

BUT “HUR DUR WE NEED DEM AS TALENTZ” is too hard to overlook because…idk you want more your more and more without actually making a choice.

At that point it isn’t meaningful anymore…that’s kinda the point. LOL
And being forced into something is definitely not what I would consider fun…