I don’t know, I’m conflicted. I think we really need covenant abilities, specifically, the signature abilities to just be reimagined.
Even if you open up the choices for each convenant ability to be made available it doesn’t change the fact that everyone will pick the Venthyr teleport because it is just that much better than the other options.
So realistically giving us them as a talent choice doesn’t actually increase our choices at all.
Sure that might change slightly were players given the freedom to swap in and out at will as long as they are in a rested area, but the Venthyr one is not only strong but more versatile as well, so if you weren’t sure what to expect over the next hour you would still choose it.
On top of that the Kyrian one would still never be used, and you also promote a situation where players would find it necessary to have tomes for every fight so they could swap convenants should it benefit one specific one significantly.
I just don’t know really, the current ones just don’t work. Maybe it would be an option with remade abilities, but the current ones we’ve got, I unfortunately don’t see a system like that fixing.
Would you mind if I made a thread in the Shaman forums and asked the Enhance shamans over there if they can’t get into casual content because of their class choice? I’d quote you obviously to give you credit…
I don’t even think you know what objectively means.
How is picking the best ability at all times harder than picking one ability for all time make the game any harder? How is being flexible harder than being stuck?
Oh I’m sorry, which raid boss was mathematically impossible to down in current content?
Please don’t shatter his illusion that the game was especially hard back in Vanilla->WoTLK where he imagined he raided.
Hey Kiaya, check it out. Instructor Razuvious in Vanilla in my Blackrock Horde guilde One.
I’ve been a 1%er since Vanilla and still going. Except i actually have proof i did it. I did the content when it was ““hard””. And far less than 1% did Naxx conent in Vanilla.