Hey everyone,
About us :
We are a chill but focused progression raid guild that was formed at the start of Shadowlands. I formed the guild with a few old guild mates of mine that I played with since WOTLK and expanded with new players and friends around various servers.
Previously, we had a long running guild for over 7 years where we were top 2 progression guild on our server for quite some time but we got older and eventually took a break. With the promise of Shadowlands, we wanted to reform a guild where we could enjoy WoW together again slightly more casually than before but still have strong progression. We have a solid core of experienced players and our leadership has over 10 years of raid leading experience at the highest levels of content and have taken a new team to 2/10 mythic and AOTC in a couple months.
WE RAID TWO NIGHTS A WEEK (Tuesday/Thursday 8PM CST)! Most of us are in our upper 20s or 30s and have real life obligations but still want to progress and get as close to CE as we can on a two night schedule. As such, there is no punishment for missing raids as long as you notify ahead of time but we try to reward those who perform and show up consistently.
We have a discord and great community that plays other games on off nights as well and we do mythic plus weekly to ensure everyone gets max loot. Although our main focus is raiding and M+, we also have some serious PvPers that will partner up for arenas and rbgs. My main goal in recruitment is to find strong players with good team attitudes that strive to continuously improve.
We are always recruiting solid players but right now are particularly in need of ranged dps and heals (heals: priest, shaman, pally; DPS: mage, hunter, any). All exceptional candidates of any class are welcome to trial.
If any of this interests you please respond here, reach out or apply in the WoW guild app or mail/message me in game Shadycheez-Sargeras.