I opened a ticket ingame because multiple characters are not receiving Great Vault loot…this has been happening for the past 3 weeks or so.
Originally i had 5 characters at lvl 80 that were running Timewalking dungeons and only 3 of them were getting Vault loot. I was told keep relogging in as it takes time for the Vault to catch up ? I have done this for 3 weeks, the same 2 characters will get loot one week but then not the next week. I was told that the GM’s could not do anything about it and to file a game bug ticket…which I did…with no response…and of course the GM’s won’t respond.
So now I am back to leveling up my other alts because I am not wasting time doing weekly quests and not getting Great Vault loot…what good is it playing a game if you don’t get the loot for doing the quests?
I first noticed this 6 weeks ago, but has gotten worse in the past 3 weeks.
Additionally, the game keeps crashing, I have submitted another bug report and I have read comments from other posters with similar issues. Just logging into the game or sitting at the character select screen the game will crash to the desktop.
It gives me the following code 05FC8974-191A-4FA1-B240-1986466FF48C but the forums won’t let me post a screenshot or attach an imgur link.
I am running an Alienware laptop, 13th Gen I9 CPU, RTX 4090 GPU, 64GB DDR5 RAM, and two 4TB Samsung 990 Pro SSD’s on a 1Gbps WIFI connection. I did a Scan for Updates and File Repair and checked my GPU and system files are up to date. I am not running anything else and have my VPN turned off etc.
First thing, this is correct. If you think you have found a bug, then you report it in the Bug Report Forum, or by using the in-game Report A Bug feature in the game menu. This is only a one-way communication. You are telling them about the bug, and they will investigate. They only time they will respond to it is if they have more questions.
That said, while bugs can always happen and new ones can crop up at any time, there is no bug I’m aware of with the Great Vault. A ticket will not help because how the Great Vault works, and especially what you need to do, is considered a game hint.
So, let’s look at that:
I’m not sure what this means, or where you heard it from. The Great Vault unlocks after Tuesday reset, for the activities of the prior week. There’s no need to relog or “wait for it to catch up”.
Did you select a reward from the first week? That’s where the term “catch up” comes from, because if you do not select a reward from the choices one week, you will not see the next week’s loot. You MUST “catch up” by selecting a reward first, and then the Vault will populate your next week’s rewards.
This is something you should talk with Tech Support about. A bug report is not the way to go here, because crashes are generally something you need to fix on your end, and Tech Support is the department to help guide you through it.
In regards to the lack of Vault credit for running dungeons, sadly I think a bug report is the only thing that can be done at this time. Perhaps a CSR can go into more details but I wouldn’t have the first guess as to where to begin outside of restarting the game and checking again.
You did the right thing submitting a bug report, but as mentioned it’s very rare you’ll be contacted for it unless more information is needed. You may consider posting in the bug report thread about this as well, and see if others are having the same issue or spreading awareness should the issue still be present:
For the crashing issue you may have more luck here:
Post a thread in there and provide all the information you provided here. Going by the error code, though, it doesn’t seem game related: Usually their codes start with ‘BLZ’ and a bunch of characters after. Tech support would be able to parse that into something more understandable, I imagine.
Sorry for the frustrating go at things recently, but hoping those resources may help get them settled? Other users may have more insights as to what could be going on, as well.
I’m guessing you are not understanding what I said…the GM who responded to my first ticket is the one that said to keep relogging to see if the Vault will respond.
I have been playing since Oct 2004, I know how the Vault works lol.
For 3 weeks now I have been having problems with several characters…yes I complete a TW dungeon on each and SHOULD be getting Heroic level gear for the completion.
I run them in the exact same order each week (Warlock, Hunter, Rogue, Warrior, Priest) and it is the Rogue and Warrior which have been having the most problems not getting Vault Loot. Their details DPS data is still showing on the screen with the last boss shown, I know I completed them each week.
A bit of background on how the different divisions in Blizzard work.
GMs/CS handle mostly Billing and Account access issues. They have very limited in-game abilities for WoW only. Most of their tools have been made available to players, such as item restore, unstuck, char undelete, etc.
Bugs are handled by QA and Devs. The only way to submit a Bug Report ticket is through the in-game bug report tool or Bug Report forum. GM do not take or pass on Bug Reports. They are not part of that process at all.
Blizzard does not allow GMs to give game hints either, so if the think it falls into that category you may be directed to external resources like WoWhead.
They can not give you loot that the system has not awarded and is not in the logs. They can not “fix” bugs for you.
Playing since what I assume is Beta, does not mean someone knows every single nuance of every single system in the game. WoW is pretty big and we all learn new things, or miss things.
On Tech Support. You can post on the Tech Support forum if you wish. Be aware there are no longer any Blues supporting it though. Since Jan 2024 after the Microsoft acquisition Blizzard does not offer direct support helping players get games working. They have some generic support articles you can try, but that is it. You can report it, but won’t get individual assistance unless another player wants to troubleshoot with you and try to help.
If you’re running TWing dungeons, it’s not really a bug. The dungeons only count if you complete all the bosses. Most groups tend to skip one or a lot of the technically optional ones. The spider in the Everbloom, the story themed on in the Temple of the Jade Seprent. Too many to count in the Classic dungeons.
If your one and only dungeon was one of those and a boss got skipped, you won’t get credit.
Killing the last boss is what counts for the quest so most people assume that it would also count for the vault but that is incorrect.