Couple interesting articles of note

And how can you have a Activision-Blizzard article without some more layoffs.

Well…which is it?!

“To further back up this claim, the source explained that the company had been outsourcing its non-development work for some time now, particularly in PR and customer care.”

I call BS haha. Or maybe so, and that’s why it’s gotten so bad/careless.


I dunno they really like Chaina and I’m sure they got some free labor in their work camps. We should ask Apple how’s that going?

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You aren’t wrong lol.

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Its usually both. They lay off more senior staff to make room for lower paid entry staff. That way they minimize costs for their earnings report.


You can use the Tilde key above Tab to surround label a link.

Haha you must have known that I was sitting behind my computer trying to figure that out. Thanks dude.

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No problem, I had to research how to do it awhile back when I first started posting.

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Read the updated article, it doesn’t mention this at all. This site should print a retraction of the original article.

It’s incredibly easy to determine that Blizzard doesn’t outsource CS.

Ugh, read the original article down below man. The Original Article had an employee tell them this. It didn’t come from Activision’s head office.

Or I take that back. Not employee but a source of information.

Confirmation bias is an awful thing. Read the updated article and all of the corrections they printed from the “source.”

Agree with a lot of what he says. The players used to be the focus. The community created the content. The player interactions were key. Now we’re just…observers. We’re just watching events unfold. The irony is as Blizzard tried to turn us into superheros where the story entirely revolves around us, in actuality we have no power. Nothing we do really matters. It’s all just scripted anyway. Everything you do has been pre-determined by the devs. There’s no freedom or choice in any of it. It’s all an illusion.

To me an mmo IS the community, and that’s been lost in WoW. The game is essentially now a single-player game experience…where you happen to see other players around. But those other players don’t matter. They’re just nameless strangers. Outside of say Mythic content they might as well not exist. That’s a horrible way to design an mmorpg.

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What do you think Activision has been doing with all these layoffs. They say they are going to add 2,000 more jobs. How is that possible, by outsourcing.

Take a lesson from Döt and every company that does exactly this. Why do you think Chaina has such a big in industry? America outsourced everything to Chaina!

Alright so you are saying that the players of wow these days are getting bad customer service because of covid. What did they do when they had 12 million players? I believe a lot of their Game Masters worked from home.

Now I believe there have been posts about people making tickets and getting a response from CS that had trouble with English for the North America region.

Pretty awful excuse for work that can be done remotely.

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