Council's CM's and toxicity thread


Ppl will leave a trail leading up to the inn AND inside it.


I really like the hardcore vanilla servers, a lot of people never rez and just leave their dead body in the world. I remember I was questing in the dwarven zone and at the entrance to every cave was always one or two dead gnomes clearly too eager to leave in life. RIP little guys.

It made deciding to quest in the cave an intimidating experience.

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Talk about being short lived.

/The entire stadium crowd booes at Bari.

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Absolutely. I even posted exactly what FFXIV has on a particular server and some other things that kids shouldn’t have to see. The council members suspended my post and deleted it.
And yes they do have the ERP guilds, and swinger guilds with live cams. Among other things people pay real money for. They don’t check id’s either so any kid could access that stuff.
It’s disgusting.

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You gotta be kidding or naive. It happens all the time in WOW. You know how when your character does a “/say?”
Well guess what when they players are ERPing anyone in the area sees the text, including any minors who are playing the game.
It’s filthy and disgusting.

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I never said it didn’t happen.

I said it’s not allowed. People break pretty much every rule in wow.


Blizzard seriously needs to have active GM’s monitoring those places such as goldshire in Moonguard on an hourly basis. That’s no joke.
Their needs to be a permanent monitor for trade chat in all cities. Besides the disgusting character names and chat in Goldshire, the toxicity in trade chat is horrendous.

I would love to be a GM if I got to zip around the world all day banning people



I don’t think it needs to be permanent tbh. They just need to get a GM to pop in every few days at random times. That way people don’t just flock to other places to do it and can’t tell when theyre being listened to.


This doesn’t happen because chat seen by other people is reportable.

I’ve leveled several characters on Moon Guard through Goldshire and it’s kind of creepy how everyone stands around not saying anything. It’s because all their debauchery is being said in party chat or whispers.


Creepy is a good word. Maybe its changed. I know when I wanted to see what goes on there and made my human I could see plenty of texting. It was horrible and perverted.

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If I wasn’t working full time I would ask blizzard if I could volunteer to monitor the trade chat.
I’m not kidding when I say that ever single hour of every day that trade chat is toxic. I pop around cities all the time, and see it.
Alot of prejudice, alot of hate speech, alot of perverted speech.

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This is in that thread, but I will repeat it here

On Goldshire - Blizzard did try having in-game live GMs for that back in Vanilla. What happened was that people got worse just to see if they could engage the GMs or get punished. Others just stopped reporting thinking the GMs would catch everything. It was a mess and they never repeated it again.

The right click report makes it easy to report now though seeing as it captures the chat logs with no effort from the player. Data is all there for GM review.

They tried it and it backfired REALLY badly.

Of course they can. They still do if it requires it. They try to educate first, but if that does not work they have no issues removing someone from the game. They don’t often TELL you about what they are doing though. They have some odd polices on that. There is now an alert in game sometimes if action was taken based off a report you put in, but I don’t know how consistent that is.

See above, they tried that and it backfired and made things worse.

People need to report and Blizz needs to act on those, in a timely way. Same with forum reports.

Again, Council members, MVPs, etc have nothing but colored text. They can’t moderate. There are things that are not ok in game and they are also not ok on the forums.

You can do that now. Right click and report. That collects the name, server, chat channel, time, and log files. Multiple reports from one account only count as one report. Duplicate reporting on alts won’t increase reports in queue.

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CC forums are toxic ?? :rofl: :rofl:

No. The thread title is about a post on the Council Forum. The topic of the post is CMs (or they meant GMs?) and toxicity in game.

I mean, unless they specify they’re watching, they could just say that a fellow player reported them and they reviewed logs, etc.

I think the problem was likely letting people know they were there. Lol

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Probably. That is why other players stopped reporting and why some would be even more obnoxious to see if a GM would catch them. It was like some sort of twisted badge of honor.

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GMs Being anon/in disguise would be vital to it not causing some terrible behavioral fallout, yes.