Couldn't post on forums all day

It still happens to me: four days with two days with this bug.

Not sure if luck, but the character it always defaults me back to when it ‘works again’ - I had the issue I couldn’t post again tonight, logged into her in game, rotated her rings/trinkets to opposite slots, closed game, then forums let me login and post again.

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I’m getting really sick and tired of this happening.

I currently can’t post on my personal PC or work laptop because it thinks I don’t have a subscription or characters. But I’m perfectly able to post on my phone.

This is just getting ridiculous. I opened a ticket about it and was told to use other sites to find a solution because they don’t have one. Pathetic.

Same, but so far with what I posted above seems to work. It broke again today on me but for a much shorter time.

i’m getting a similar problem now. as you can see, i’m still logged-in and talking, but it’s once-again not letting me swap characters (it just shows my battlenet id). my guess? the forums can’t handle new characters. or more accurately, it can’t handle earthen and non-evoker dracthyr. i dunno.

blizz REALLY need to get this crap fixed. :man_facepalming:

Hey all, I didn’t want to post too soon, but… it seems to be fixed for me so far? I’ve been able to log in and post fine for a good handful of days now. Will post again if anything changes.

Hope everything gets sorted for everyone else too.

Knock on wood, I haven’t had it happen in a few days. So fingers crossed it’s fixed

This helped me.

Happened again. I couldn’t post from last night until now.


Same thing for me…
It’s baa-aack… :grimacing:

I think it may be related to the essentially useless “trust level.”
When I CAN post my trust level says “member.”
When I CANNOT post my trust level says “new user.”

Why is the system reverting me to “new user”? That’s what they should figure out.


This is weird that it’s happening to so many players & there’s not much word of it from Blizzard. Even a simple: “Hey sorry guys, it’s a known bug – We’re not sure what’s causing it but we’re looking into it!” — would be more reassuring than nothing at all. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Is this ever being fixed? Happened AGAIN. For last 2 days I couldn’t find a single character and it wouldn’t let me post. BEYOND FRUSTRATING!


I was having the same problem on my computer and phone for the past two days. I could not post because I did not have any of my characters to choose from and it only showed my battle tag.

After logging out and logging back in it today it finally worked and allowed me to choose my characters. Crossing fingers that it does not mess up again. :crossed_fingers: :four_leaf_clover:


It’s so odd. Now I can get in on Chrome, but FireFox and OperaGX are still telling me I need a lvl 10 character.



Chrome is broken on my desktop, so I still can only post on my laptop. And don’t dare change characters because I might get locked out permanently as I am on my desktop.


Yeah I have a similar issue, except Chrome is not allowing me – Yet ‘Brave’ is …

I can see my characters list now, however I can’t select characters to change over to them :face_exhaling:

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Happened again, yesterday couldn’t post.

I guess they don’t care…

I think they made a change to the forum softward without understanding how it works, and don’t want to pay what it will take to get someone in from the company to tell them how they messed it up.

Oddly enough, I found opening Chrome in ‘Incognito’ works for being able to see and change between your characters :slight_smile:

– For me personally, anyway :person_shrugging:
That might change though :joy: We’ll see …

Yeah, just like the last time, it took about 36 hours to clear up, and Chrome incognito worked for me in the interim since there is no caching in that version of the browser.

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