Couldn't post on forums all day

I’m finally back, but ALL DAY not 1 of my characters showed up. Told me I didn’t have a level 10 character and sometimes told me I didn’t have a subscription. This keeps happening to me. :frowning: I only use the forums on my desktop using Chrome and this past week it randomly seems to be disconnected from the other part of the site/game where my characters appear just fine


Mine JUST came back this morning. The ONLY device I could post on for nearly 18 hours was my iPhone 13 mini. Not sure WHAT this bug is, but it is ANNOYING.


Happened again today. :frowning:


Same thing here. I don’t know what happens with the forums but I’m getting this “error” every 2 days.

It becomes really annoying and, of course, I can’t access to the TL3 because we need to get 50 days/100 days to get it but now if I get this error every 2 days I can just get 50 days on 100 days and I need to log everyday.

Blizz really needs to fix this bug, it’s really annoying to get this, even more when it’s every 2 days.


OP, same thing has been happening to me recently. A reply to a ticket informed me they’re aware of a bug and they’re looking into it. Hopefully they fix it soon.

I thought it might be related to some delay with payment processing for monthly sub, but my sub is clearly paid and it’s still happening.


Hopefully. I couldn’t post all day again yesterday :joy:


Still happening.

Also tried logging in from my tablet but still couldn’t post/same issue.

Is anyone else having this problem part of “Blizzard research”? Wondering if that has anything to do with it.


Same issue. Can’t post from my PC, get a message that I need a level 10 character and an active subscription to post (I have both).
Posting from my phone where I don’t have this issue.


Happen to me too says need lvl 10 to post on my computer.


Same here 14 days later from OP lol


Happened yet again from last night until now :sob:

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Not sure if this is going to work for others experiencing this issue, but I managed to fix it by clicking on my profile picture and selecting ‘change character’ - there were no characters to choose from, so I just clicked on my battle tag. Then I logged out and back in, clicked on ‘change character’ again, and this time the list of my characters was there and after choosing one I am able to post.
I may have just gotten lucky, but I thought I’d post here in case it helps someone else.


Bump, still happening - couldn’t post yesterday.

I’ve done this before iirc but it didn’t fix it for me. Will try again if/when it happens again.


Doesn’t work for me, tried it many times


Been locked out since the patch… just was able to relog and get in. This is pretty terrible.

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I’m mainly noticing this when the last character I logged off was my level 1 bank alt. Could be coincidence but seems not to happen when I make sure and log off my main.

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Every character I been playing is level 70-80, I don’t even have low level alts lol

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Yesterday 25 October same issue as op. Says I have no characters at level 10 and I cannot post till the 2nd of July 2024.

Today 26 Oct. Upon logging out then in, I managed to get one of my characters showing out of 26. Still the unable to post till 2nd of July 2024 is showing.


I was out all day again yesterday. It just keeps happening to me. No pattern. Nothing I can do but wait and keep trying. So frustrating.



Still happening. Seems to be every 2 days it happens for me.

Yesterday when I couldn’t post I looked at my “profile” info and noticed the website/system was labeling me as a “new account” rather than “user” or whatever the trust system typically labels me at peon status.

This bug proves the ‘trust system’ is broken since you are locked out of the forums and don’t have an equal chance to meet quotas… lol