Could you ever see the Alliance becoming evil?

What do you think you’re proving? Story was discussed on the story forums? None of those posts were threatening to quit the game if they did not get their way.

Are you quite okay?

What a joke. Those horde players basically said “if Blizzard doesn’t let the Horde do XYZ I’m gonna quit.”

Sit down.


They literally did not. I’m probably in all of those threads you linked. You are wrong.

Those posters literally quit the game because the story did not go the way they wanted it to.


You have no evidence of that. I have no idea why you would make that leap in logic. You are just making this up.

It’s very rare for people to decide to sub or unsub to this game based on lore and story.

Then it makes no sense for you to be carrying on about it.

So Long, and Thanks!

sure buddy


What’s going on in here


Carmegeddon was an Alliance poster. Have you read anything I’ve posted in this thread or am I wasting my time with you?

Some dude is claiming Horde players have NEVER quit due to story/lore reasons.

Carmageddon was a blood elf paladin.


Yes. I see them as evil more often than not. Anduin keeps them on a loose leash, and he has genuinely been trying to keep them good as their leader. Leashing a rabid dog keeps it from causing trouble, but if the leash is gone, the rabid dog does what it will.

Stormheim, for example. Even against Anduin’s orders, the Alliance commanders on the ground feel no compunction about assaulting the Warchief of the Horde during a Legion invasion.

Arthas and Garithos are also examples of what happens when nepotism leads the way, and the chain of command is corrupted. No matter how well intentioned their leader is - like Terenas or Anduin - if their subordinates are allowed to use that Alliance to cause such chaos, there is a potential for evil in that Alliance that has already manifested itself.

I could see Yrel and the Lightbound being welcomed by the Alliance. Maybe even summoned to Azeroth with good intentions. And then they sort drive the Alliance into militant aggresion.

Or Alleria could fall to the Void and do Void things.

I think Jaina is simmering down, and Genn seems more concerned about Sylvanas than the Horde. Velen was pretty quiet in BfA and he has begun to at least question the Light - so he might stand against Yrel, but I don’t see him going evil.

Fair enough. They still quit for pro-Alliance storytelling reasons.

So bully you. One example and it wasn’t even because of anti-Horde storytelling. Now count the Night Elf posters who post weekly about demanding Tyrande cut off Sylvanas’s head or they will quit the game.


You said no Horde ever quit for Story/Lore related reason. Don’t change the goal post.

Isn’t Pro-alliance the same as Anti-Horde?


No I only said I had never seen any Horde threaten to quit based on story/lore reasons, not that no one ever did. Also Carmageddon quit for anti-Horde reasons so hardly a good example on your part.

Find me a Horde player so offended by the BfA storyline for being so anti-Horde that they threaten to quit the game unless Blizzard does XYZ.

It’s very rare for people to decide to sub or unsub to this game based on lore and story.

Now count the Night Elf posters who post weekly about demanding Tyrande cut off Sylvanas’s head or they will quit the game.



Dude. I visit these forums way less then you do. I’m not gonna do that just to please some forsaken fanboy(Btw it’s your fault Sylvanas was ruined. Thanks)

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Yes it’s threatening vs. going through with it. Also .01% of the playerbase posts in these forums in the first place, and .01% of those people base their subscription on the story.

So you have no point except that some Horde hate the story which obviously, that’s half the reason this thread exists. Thank you for your insight.


Is the Forsaken dude going to list these boogey-women he keeps mentioning, I’m wondering. There must be a few every week he says.

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My point was that Horde players have quit due to lore/story reasons. That’s it. As long as you realize that my job is done.