Could you ever see the Alliance becoming evil?

Fair enough. Your job was over before you started because I did not say no Horde players ever quit the game for lore/story reasons. Just that I have never seen a Horde player threaten to quit the game because of the story if they did not get their way from Blizzard. I could be wrong, maybe that has happened and I did not see.

Not sure where you pulled “boogey-women” from, you’re the one making gendering assumptions here.

I do love that nick name though. I remember Wolverine calling an Xternal a “boogey woman” in those old x men cartoons. It cracks me up. That guy has the funniest lines.

I could see the Alliance actiong more moraly gray, interessting, or even evil for sure.
There are a lot of different story posaabilities in a mulitude of different direction it could go. There are some possabilites comming right in to my mind.

With that said, I don’t think this will going to happen.

We now Yrel will be at some point be back again. The question is how Turalyon will interact with her.

Edit: Oh you wanted some scenarios.

One could be as an example: Some group of the Alliance is discontent with the peace because of the 4th word. Perhaps mostly Night Elves and Gilneans for the start. They could start a coup, take over the capital and simply build an oppressive dictatorship (to suppress any pro peace and old Alliance voices) and go full on war.
That’s not a scenario I see ever happening in WoW though and not one fitting for the writing of WoW (in a different setting, it could look more nuanced). Here this would be rather dark. At least in this extreme way.

Another way, I can more see happening: Yrel finds somehow a way to out Azeroth and connects with Turalyon. Maybe he hears about new “holy warriors of the light and their cause”. If so, he could be persuaded and follow them and push the Alliance in to a evil light- aggressor faction a la Garrosh during MoP.

Heck even a peasant revolt could work. After all Stormwind had to draft many of it’s people. They could take a approach like during classic with the Stonemasons and show us more difficulties from regular people and their sacrifices during al those wars. Some group could benefit from it, taking over and install their regime.

You are quite mistaken there. There are a hundred different ways the story can go, and none of them need to involve villain batting the Alliance.

Now, perhaps that is what is required for you to enjoy the story. But in that case I would temper my expectations. I somehow doubt Blizzard will villain bat the Alliance, not despite but because of how bfa played out, and how people reacted to it. But that is merely what I believe to be likely.

It’s pretty apparent Blizzard is planting the seeds for a Lawful Evil Alliance story now. It’s world of warcraft and BFA proved Blizzard loves their faction war stories regardless of how stupid they are at this point.

Lol almost all the Alliance players here want to attack the Horde. Being reactive was one of the main complaints of BFA. What are you talking about?

There have been numerous threads on the lore forums for the desire of an Alliance evil turn, baking on the supremacist tropes that are already established within Alliance lore (Nelves & Humans being the major races and both being guilty of this).

Will Blizzard make such role again? God knows. Shadowlands is the perfect opportunity to create a leadership/environment change back in Azeroth, and I hope we will see something, but I won’t hold my breath.

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What I would like to see (speaking for myself) is a time skip that sets up the foundation for a more Lawful Evil Alliance.

When we return we should find that Azeroth has never been in better shape. The Horde and Alliance have actually maintained peaceful coexistence, and even cooperation. The Council has been a massive success for the Horde, with Talanji, Lor’themar, and Thalyssra using their extensive experience (education in Talanji’s case) in leading developed nations to bring the needed infrastructure to all of the Horde’s races to thrive independently, all using the resources at the command of Gazlowe.

Over on the Alliance, Turalyon has been the greatest ruler it could’ve ever asked for, restoring the Alliance’s lands, fostering peace with the Horde, putting into place social services to support the recovering nations, and at each step of the way drawing from the wisdom of the other Alliance’s leaders. His leadership has been so effective he’s practically worshiped as a god by humanity which has united under his rule, and the other Alliance’s races and leaders have absolute trust in him.

Anduin’s return shakes things up in a bad way. Turalyon steps down so the rightful king can take up the throne, but no one wants it. Anduin’s reign was marked by a devastating war in which Stormwind wasn’t just down to drafting farmers, but he threw away the sacrifices of a suicide army and allowed that horrible war to be prolonged as a result of that.

This is when AU Xe’ra and the Lightbound come into the picture. Turalyon is made into a Lightbound puppet by Xe’ra, who uses him to gain control of the Alliance. Turalyon publicly accepts the, “will of the people,” and resumes the position of Supreme Allied Commander. Meanwhile Yrel publicly appears to offer him support in combating a new threat to Azeroth (reveal the B-plot enemies of the expansion). Under Xe’ra’s control, Turalyon enacts increasingly strict laws meant to protect the Alliance, and no one even thinks twice about them.

Soon you’ve got Lightforged acting as a private police, taking anyone who speaks out or expresses doubt about these new laws into custody for questioning regarding suspicious activity. The Mechagnomes are tasked with establishing an exhaustive surveillance satellite network to make it easier to gather information domestically and abroad. Kul Tirans are given commissions to hunt down and eradicate pirates so, “honest seafaring men and women can work in peace,” while in reality the classification of, “pirate,” is so loosely defined it effectively means, any vessel that is not under the control of the Alliance. All the while the Alliance now has new education laws, and all the Alliance’s children report to Yrel’s chosen instructors to gain an education; a valuable commodity, but in truth it is meant to indoctrinate them to believe in the Light above all else, and to hate anything and anyone who does not follow the will of the Light Mother.

To me, that’s the ideal set up for a slow and effectively formed Lawful Evil Alliance. That first expansion can basically be like Cataclysm; showing the shift before the war. The one afterwards can actually be the Alliance attempting to conquer the Horde to, “save it from itself.”

Also as a bonus, the rebel faction in the Alliance would essentially be the Void Elves, Dark Irons, Night Elves, and Worgen. Dark Irons establish subterranean tunnels and bunkers that are outside of the Mechagnomes’ surveillance, Worgen and Night Elves organize a stronger resistance, and Void Elves perform tactical surveillance and aid in hit-and-run interference.


Danuser confirmed he’s being Mind Controlled. Nothing Anduin’s done is of his own choice in that cinematic.


Just looking at Turalyon’s present dialog lines about considering reclaiming “old Alliance lands”, which for him very much means Alliance of Lordaeron? And all the stuff they are building up for the Light? The dogmatism of the Light is likely to have a distinctly dark effect on Alliance, at least for awhile.

I would find it really cool if canonically Stormwind became a hostile Lightbound dominated place for the Players until it could be reclaimed. It give them the excuse to redo the city with their Raid budget. It also give them an excuse to build up somewhere else as a Hub city.

They will not build up another hub city, not after all the work to reduce everything down to Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

If anything it’ll just be a couple nameless NPCs being mean to other NPCs.

i see ways but it would be too late for that now in my opinion, there is an enormous amount of baggage that both factions have that… well… nobody would enjoy playing those expansions if we try to do something about that baggage so in standard blizzard fashion: We can just hamfist a light based invasion (with yrel and xera as the headstart) with lots of OOC moments just for the sake of pushing the plot that would make the alliance evil.

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Stormwind is honestly in pretty good shape. Update it to HD and it’s golden. The city that really needs a proper overhaul/redo is Orgrimmar.


With the current writer team? Not a chance in Hell… heck, they already put in use the “tungsten worthy plor armor” around Blanduin so he can come out of his “naughty times” absolutely unscathed in regards to him actually compromising his moral views.

Ergo, the reason why I rather don´t get any more story development that involves BOTH factions, cause the actual experimental data (A.K.A. Cata / MoP and BfA) show the Horde WILL be the one saddled with carrying the villain bat.


You know it’s bad when the Sith Empire from Star Wars - The Old Republic has more moral ambiguity to it than any of the Warcraft-factions.


Well, the problem with claiming that somebody is “evil” is that then it is better for the evil side to be defeated. Which kind of removes intrigue and interest in the story IMO.

So, I personally would rather prefer both factions to have separate identities, views, ideology, values, etc. And each faction to prioritize that faction. Does it necessary to make one of sides “wrong” before the story even starts? I am not sure if that’s a good idea.

But having an array of cunning, ruthless characters, those who put interest of their faction above the rest, would be perfectly fine. As long as the game does not go with moralizing on what is right. Alliance could be a hero in eyes of the alliance. And the horde - heroes of the horde. Shaming and :poop: throwing at each other is not necessary. Just selebrate awesomeness of the horde and of the alliance.

And yeah, I think there is enough bad blood for the alliance to start some mess if you’re about it. Although, not sure it makes sense in a story that degrates into “only together we can defeat a placeholder#404 evil for the sake of all Azeroth”. In that case - just abolish factions.

gl hf


This would be amazing. He has the support of King Greymane and those scarlet survivors as well as the Sky Admiral Rogers of the Stormwindian air fleet. Not to mention Magistrate Maleb and the Hillsbrad Worgen.

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It would be cool to have the Worgen retake Gilneas. I’ve always loved their aesthetic. Time to shake things up in the Eastern Kingdoms.

Cata, MoP and especially BfA would love to have a word with you.

Ergo, I´ll shamelessly quote my post -again-:

Tl;dr: we need a new writting team + probably a healthy err… “renovation” on the executive team managing the aforementioned “lore” team.


Could? Yes

Want? Depends. I mean hate - hate has been sown by the Horde so much that the Alliance could drown in it - hate allows escalation. In the end it was hate and shame that engulfed my own nation in WWII, shame for the defeat from WWI, and hate for the “responsible”(Atleast, the people thought this were the responsible people for their lost), just because a nation or faction has very good reasons to hate doesn’t mean they can do anything.

in other words, if the alliance move full on “hatred”, than yes, it could be possible to frame the entire faction, but, it would need to do so to show a really really really really really devastating series of lost for the Horde before. and after this loose, the remaining population would be horrible treatend.