You are paying someone to carry you through content, regardless of your personal capability of completing the content or not. You are not successfully completing that content without payment.
You are quite literally boosting your vault rewards to a higher tier via paying with gold.
Yes. That is literally boosting. You are buying boosts for your alt. In the same vein as buying a 1-70 boost because you don’t want to spend the time to grind 1-70 is still boosting, even if you have a level 80 main.
If you are paying someone to run content with you so that you can receive anything in return - rather that’s vault, gear, progress, achievement, or any form of in-game tangible reward that you are not receiving without that transaction - is boosting.
Hope that helps define the incredibly already easily defined terminology of ‘boosting’.
No one is arguing the terminology of “boosting”. Its fairly agreed upon.
We’re using boosted as an adjective to describe an account that wouldnt otherwise be there.
I can have my guild boost an alt through raids as well without paying anything. But thats not an issue because someone can look and see that im capable of said content at a glance
Same with m+. If i buy 3-4 runs early for a boost and then pull my own weight and drown those paid runs, you’ll never know because it wont look like:
Whereas someone who is clearly boosted will look exactly like that
The priest you’re defending has that exact scenario. An untimed 6 to a 10++, 131 points to 337 points - in a single run. He claims to not have purchased a boost for that zone.
How can you tell?
Spoiler: You can’t. There’s no way, at all, period, for you an end-user to make that differentiation or 100% “for sure” know.