Could WoW make player skill levels more obvious at a glance?

I noticed this while leveling an alt… this one in fact. The skill gap between players is really massive with gear being made mostly irrelevant.

This really does lead to a lot of unneeded friction during pugs and creates additional difficulty when forming groups. Is there a way the game could automatically sort players in a better way then raider io?

Perhaps putting more weight on higher keys rather then giving out so much score for low trivial keys?

I don’t know im spit balling im not used to starting from zero so late into a patch.


I don’t think the game itself would be good for it, but maybe an addon that compiles the performances (mechanics performance) based on all logged activity from that player and put it as a performance score.

Only issue in all this - a lot of my learning came from criticism and I got criticised because I got given a chance and failed. I would wager a lot of bad players actually think they’re doing just fine and just haven’t been show how.


This already exists. There was a thread on it yesterday with someone upset over its existence. It pulls info from WarcraftLogs, iirc.



Usually enough at a glance

People always looking for a way to flex on others.


The second boss in Mists has a tank only ability that needs to be interrupted. More abilities like that for all roles might be the “player skill” outline we need.

Would also make the game a little more bland.

I mean yeah but people also wanna play with similar ability, and usually do

Kind of weird to want skill based matchmaking for trivial content, though, lmao :dracthyr_love_animated:

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Make a community.

A what now

How would this look though? Do they have to make 37 different abilities to accomodate all specs?

Everyone has access to interrupts and stuns and stops

Some have dispels
Some have soothes
Some have paicifies

How would the game outline something like that?

It’s pretty quick to look up applicants on warcraftlogs if people care. I think we’re at a point in the season where there’s curiosity and apathy at opposing ends of the experience spectrum.

Issue is it really over values low level dungeons. Giving people the false impression they are ready to advance when they are not. You have people who can only time 8 keys applying for 10s instead of 9s

It really doesnt. Just takes a second to understand where the breakpoints are.

1500 score doesnt mean squat. Means you’ve averaged +4 keys.

Once you learn how the score correlates to key ranges it means nothing

Next to everyone’s name is a shortened score card so you would see Bob [54-12-15]. The first number is timed runs completed, second number is timed out runs completed, and third number is how many times they left mythic+ uncompleted.

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They need to bring back the proving grounds, you knew what players didn’t do basic things like interrupt and such because they couldn’t even get silver medals. Back then I only took people with gold medals in proving grounds and my pugs were often a success

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I keep saying, playing your class well should result in a directly higher score at the end of a key. Time isn’t enough by itself.

But it won’t happen without RIO+WCL teaming up to lead the way because it means extra work flagging things like critical interrupts, purges, etc, tracking whether mechanics were done correctly i.e. 100%ing all dodges and preventing extra avoidable damage to the group, not letting mobs empower themselves, and having a defensive active when taking major unavoidable hits. And then it would need a built-in damage meter too so 500kdps is ok in a +3 but not in a +8.

And it needs to be significant extra points to gain or miss. You should be able to hit 2500 score by doing timed +6-8 keys and performing well instead of getting hard carried.

Mean… ive been finding 2400 score means squat.

2400 is still 9s so makes sense

It’s always mythics. Maybe that’s the problem.

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If the other player is a Tauren MM hunter in a turquoise outfit, you can be certain their skill level is sub par. That’s all the glance you need.