Divide a fixed amount of bonus points across everything a class can bring & is present in the dungeon. That’s the easy part compared to deciding what counts toward a good rating. Makes no sense to demand soothes in a dungeon with no important enrages, idk if there even are any this season. But a druid in SV not decursing, not interrupting fears/heals, not using a defensive for void outburst, not picking up balls on Skarmorak, and reaching 5+ stacks on the final boss is measurably worse than one who doesn’t fail those things.
You have to consider what PUG stands for. It stands for “Pick Up Game”. It is universally true that in any pick up game in any endeavor, it is random chance who you end up playing with or playing against.
Yeah there is a way. Give every single class a stance system.
Currently and historically, you can instantly tell someone is good if they are switching between stances effectively.
Right now when you see a Druid that actually goes bear form before incoming spike damage, you instantly know they’re good, there’s no doubt about it, especially if they cat weave and heal at the same time.
Removing stances and presences was one of the worst things they ever did. You don’t need to have abilities locked out of them like Warriors had, but they don’t need to be deleted either.
Important or not depends on gear/skill.
GB enforcers don’t NEED a soothe, but it makes life a lot easier instead of kiting.
But this goes for everyone though. Do I not get points if someone snipes an interrupt from me since everyone has them.
Are shamans going to be required to have more interrupts needed for the same score as everyone? Casters requiring less due to timer?
Seems a convoluted system for marginal gain
I guess its just the annoyance of most of my group being effectively done beyond raid logging and finding out that people don’t know their classes. I had a echoes key fail because a shammy died four times from not knowing they could break black blood.
Its just baffling to see people in 10s that can’t read their spell books.
I didn’t know you could interrupt them to break it til the other day, even though I’ve been staring at their cast bar since launch. (It’s more of a channel than a cast, so the bar starts full and the channel never ends)
The game has zilch for intuitive information, that’s why they are redesigning all the telegraphs. You can’t figure out a gd thing by just looking at the encounter unless you try every single thing in a Mythic 0 or something and Mythic 0 has been dead since like week 3 of launch.
Ghost wolf, cap totem, wind shear, thunderstorm? They really did none of them?
They took 4 combat rezes the first attempt 2 the second and the tank and dh killed it without heals.
Was bad… granted was on this mage that is less then a week old but I didn’t expect to crush so many people with completed 10s at 610 ilv.
The problem with this is it makes actions conducive with scoring well and actions conducive with timing the key not line up. Players are now incentivised to fight for interrupts / stops off cooldown as opposed to work together or hold for things that actually matter.
Personally as an SP I only have 4-5 kicks in an entire dungeon most of the time but all of them are dangerous casts that nobody else in the moment could have stopped. Does that make me a worse player than someone who’s sending their kick on cd and sniping interrupts from melee?
you don’t want to display the skillgap. that’d kill the game.
I don’t think so… you could group all those kinds of players together with their own kind. They would be…happy?
that’s what guilds do.
I doubt it, the mere existence of things they can’t do seems to cause issues. Can you imagine if the game was actively making them aware that the reason they couldn’t do something was on them instead of the game or other people?
I saw and participated in the thread but haven’t had a go at that so haven’t mentioned it yet. Hope it helps OP.
(Admittedly I’ve given up on keys for the most part and doing legacy content)
Would they not walk down the road of self reflection and improvement that every CE raider and every Elite player has made before them?
We slip, we stumble, we fail and falter yet in each of us a hopeful light pushing us forwards.
I can’t imagine the bulk of the community being OK with something that essentially represents segregation.
Frankly, no.
Could WoW do it? Sure. Bake Raider IO and make alts display the main’s score even when itself has no score fully into the base game. Revamp proving grounds to have relevant challenges and “force” people to reach certain ranks before being allowed to use select sections of LFG. Include data from past seasons like what scores the player had and how many runs. Basically using data to paint a more detailed picture of someone.
Will they ever do it? All but guaranteed no. For one, Blizzard is quite content to let addons go the distance past whatever baseline Blizzard sets but also not only is determining what information to capture, actually capturing it and storing it, and displaying/giving it all to the players “expensive”…but largely will serve to do what this community does best…use it to exclude people or otherwise demand even MORE overgeared/qualified people for what is otherwise appropriate or even trivial content levels. It super punishes late comers to the game or even a season because they have no way to ever catch up and it’s already hell even when you are good and experienced getting back into things from behind the curve…especially if you don’t have a dedicated group to carry you and thus have to pug it all.
I don’t understand what you possibly could be doing while leveling that you need to have a rating for skill level. Are normal dungeons too hard with just anyone entering them?
In addition, blizzard never bothers to balance classes until they are max level anyway.
Nobody is talking about leveling content. They want a better gauging method for content with actual teeth which is heroic raids and higher single digit to double digit key levels where gear alone isn’t a raw indicator of skill like it would’ve been in the classics era.
I know when I host a key, you aren’t getting in with ilvl and even score alone. If you aren’t at least double digit +10 clears, I’m just going to assume you either lucked out or paid for it. Same for heroic raid if/when I host queen kills. You got 5+ queen kills? You’re probably a safe enough bet to carry your weight.