Could we please just take a moment to talk about moongaurd

leave your rp server. on normal realms (and moonguard of course lol) elwynn forest is always full and lively

Goldshire , well, don’t let that place define Moonguard as a whole, has a lot of friendly people. At least more than the normal high-full realms.


You sat on his face and crushed his skull with your bear butt? Are you sure that wasn’t exactly what he was hoping you would do? I bet he got some sort of perverse pleasure from that. The people in moonguard truly are a depraved lot.


_> … :woman_facepalming:

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Well. Pre-versioning is something people like to do. It removes a level of anxiety if you know what version you’ll be encountering ahead of time.

As for Goldshires everywhere, I’ll just recommend this book:


…Hey, waaaait a second… stares at your mog


This got a real good laugh out of me… Oh boy. /wipes away tears.

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As someone who’s on both sides of the fence and experienced both WrA and MG for years: Eh?

It’s a tired trope nowadays; Moon Guard really goes above and beyond goldshire. And everyone usually just tries to sweep it under the rug.

If it’s the topic at hand, talking about Goldshire: Again, I don’t actually mind! It’s a good quarantine zone and i’m more appreciative of the laissez-faire and general insanity that rolls around it sometimes. It’s actually a really good breather to just muck about outside and scream incoherent nonsense with other people who’re in it for whatever reason as well.

I went once. It scared me and I never went back.

Oh my. That must’ve been an experience you had

Could we please just take a moment to talk about moonguard

No, I’m not sure you get it, that’s the one thing we don’t do.


That’s a you thing, it has been well known almost since the inception of the game as THE place for ERP.

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Oh boy. Yet another person who was either sheltered for their whole life or didn’t have internet until now it looks like.

Did you download the profile addon to get the full effect? In which case… Why on Azeroth did you do it and then decide to get offended?



We all have our secret level one MG GS alts and you’re a dirty liar if you say you don’t.


The thing about Goldshire on non-MoonGuard RP Realms is that we all had to deal with being CRZ’d with them for like… years. On Wyrmrest (my main realm), Goldshire used to be a nice little hub, good for beginner/casual RP if nothing else. Then CRZ came and every RP server was Moon Guard there. Some people partcipated, but most people just avoided it for obvious reasons. When they finally stopped merging all of us in Elwynn, it didn’t recover to it’s old status. It was just dead. It was Moon Guard for too long.

Maybe that’s changed now, I’ve been out of the RP loop for a few years now, but I remember being sad that the hub didn’t exist anymore.

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It’s amazing how many role players denounce Moon Guard. It really is. A wretched hive of scum and villainy. Like seriously it is gold. Going there itself should be an act of shame for your character if you find it so putrid. Completely denouncing its ICly existence show’s your lack of ability to role play and tell a story. I go to Goldshire frequently, because its an excellent place to roleplay a character who has shoddy morals. Does all of the ooc stuff bother me? Nope! Does all the perverted stuff bother me? Nope! Why? Because all of these things exist in the real world, why should they not exist in Azeroth?


The thing about MG Goldshire and other similar places in online games (Kinda sorta Balmung’s Quicksand on FFXIV [although admittedly entirely less blatant], World 3 Lumbridge on Runescape 3, who knows what else) is that it’s all too easy to end up doing what they do with underaged people, which obviously isn’t an ideal situation. If everyone involved were consenting adults, ok, a bit weird, but no problem. But I seriously doubt that’s the case.

How’d you get in there? You’re horde. Most of them are alliance iirc.

Also, was MG ever a pvp server?

I say make up some ingame disease and throw up quarantine markers around the whole village and whoever enters has to stay there for a whole year.

During that time your forced to stay in the confinement of the area for and entire year and they do experimental cure treatments on you to see if they found a cure or not.

Honestly this is the biggest issue with trying to actually use MG Goldshire as a filthy backdrop for proper RP.

It’s not that -some- people are OOC, it’s that basically -everyone- saying anything outside of whispers (and probably most people in whispers) is OOC. It’s like trying to RP in the Trade District Auction House but even more densely packed.