Full on mental breakdown in real time because another version of classic is going to exist and it isn’t an exact replica of classic. Remarkable.
This is somewhat weak in respect to the actual WC lore
You literally post night and day about SoD lol
It’s so rent free bro. You have era. Go play that
I dont care enough to even read this
That’s because the school system failed you. I never understood the reason to announce one’s laziness in reading like it’s a positive.
I love to read intelligible and thoughtfull posts
No lie. I just like ur tone lol. Homie says “im logical, deal with it.”
Arent the class adjustments in this SoD suppose to be overpowered, as thats the idea.
Mages healing is a lil weird because nothing in the tree supports it or previous lore entries
I would have much more expected a mage spellbreaker tank - but that could be very difficult to get to work because in classic, talents only grant a few abilities and and the basekit does the rest.
It’s not like retail where you choose a spec and it totally changes your characters entire skillset
Anyways for people like Xfour who “object” - they can just play classic.
Classic+ will be for testing cool stuff
If players don’t like it, it’ll disappear.
Hard disagree. The content was the best part, the experiences and content. The Classes were god awful, or more specific the Spec Representation was God awful.
Many of the classes were overly clunky and many of the specs were not viable and laughed at it you expected to play one.
Class Design in TBC and WotLK was peak (sorry not sorry MoP) Vanilla’s classes were bad.
Again, great content but terrible classes.
Personally, I am stoked to try out an arcane mage focused around healing and casting arcane missile. Will be such a breath of fresh air, probably be the second class I level after my Doomkin hits cap in each phase.
This 100%. Classes / specs were an absolute joke in Vanilla. Looking forward to getting a mix up where people can try out more things. For the clowns who say “No one forces you to play a meta class” you cant possibly be that thick. The only guilds allowing “meme” specs were the same guilds stuck on MC while everyone else was done with BWL and progressing AQ40. So your solution is, dont raid, join a trash guild and progress at a horrific rate orrrr play something you don’t enjoy. 10/10 logic
Every argument in your post is so disingenuous that I won’t bother replyng to it.
Keep your comments to yourself scrub
I think we’d be better tanks imo. Mobs can just run chasing mirror images.
Such a great post that the usual SoD haters had to ignore this for their anti mage healing arguments to not be completely destroyed. Eyr is a clown.
I remember evocation had a heal attached for a while. They took that away and some dev (don’t recall who) claimed that ice block was the mage heal.
You instantly lose any debate when this is your response.
Embarrassing honestly.
I’m sooo embarassed. This section of the forums is more whiney than any other.