these mages hurl fireballs and frost bolts. We’re essentially Invokers. Invokers don’t heal.
Retail now has a couple of talent points that actually heals you while in Ice Block.
So full circle kind of thing I guess.
Your an idiot. And to use the word bigot is also stupid.
Cauterizing a wound is with heat and flame. To use lore when blizzard makes changes as they do and retcons lore is a poor defense.
Mage healing in my opinion should be similar to shadow priest healing as a supportive role, but not a primary healing role. That’s it. To sit and imply that everyone can be anything completely takes away from any uniqueness or excitement from this game.
My concern for healing mages comes down to what it will do for them in wsg/ab and especially organized wsg/ab.
In those BGs, a mages primary job is actually not a dps role. It is a map control/peeling/stalling role in ab and is a flag carrying and defense role in wsg.
Losing some dps capabilities I’m not so sure will matter for them in these BGs, but adding a heal is a gigantic power spike
I agree the outrage about it is silly. I looked into this more and found a post on reddit’s r/warcraftlore. They just study magic, all types of magic. Arugal was a mage who summoned worgen from the emerald dream. Draenei had light magic. Arcane magic can emulate other magics. Fel, necromancy, all the elements including nature. These were basically mages who studied different schools of magic. Essentially, being a mage who can cast flamestrike is different than a shaman who calls on the fire elemental spirits to use fire magic.
My actual hope for arcane mage healing is it heals not like other healers by spamming healing spells but acts more like a preventative healer and mostly heals by dpsing. So in some sense, being half of a healer in a raid setting but also a full dps with unique utility.
Also, there’s going to be a healer shortage. Shamans, paladins, priests and druids are going to want to prefer tanking or dpsing in these new roles. They needed to make a healer. What else would you like to fill in the healer shortage? Warriors? Rogues? Hunters? Warlocks? Nothing else even makes sense. Mage is a very broad archetype, a mage healing through time magic is unique and cool. I hope it doesn’t play like the other healers but a supportive mage that nonchalantly providing buffs without having to swap targets so much while doing damage to heal.
So every patch during original vanilla was bad because it changed the classes. Gamers are often afraid of change, even good change. The classes are clearly not purely good with no negatives, they have a lot of pros and cons. The idea is fixing the cons while not destroying the positives and keeping its identity and “concentrated coolness” mentioned in the 2005 blizzcon class panel. Changing them often of course can be a problem, but this is a whole new seasonal server. This is kind of the point, test classic wow in a new season of changes. If SoD was just a few new dungeons and raids, it would flop a little bit less than SoM to be honest, depending on what the content was. Classes are the #1 thing that needs to change for classic+ and most of the inspiration is tbc/wotlk for better or for worse. At the end of the day, we’ll see what works and feels right and what doesn’t and give feedback. No one really knows since we haven’t even touched it yet especially at max lvl
Yup. Reducing the damage of their frost and fire spells means pretty much jack when they weren’t using those spells to kill people to begin with. Mages are hands down the most versatile and potent class in WSG before they got any healing.
Worth noting that with no AV available, there’s a chance WSG may actually pop regularly on these realms…
That’s what I’m looking forward to
Gonna be weird with no mounts tho
Difference was that Vanilla was a new game and we rolled with the punches. There was no preconceived notion of what was or should be. things just happened. Each change was also within the confines of their own class at the time. I’m not a fan of the piles of garbage that Blizz is piling onto the classes, but there is a cool factor to it. It’s a smart move that will draw in lower Retail and Classic players alike.
I’m definitely playing it for the unknown factor and treating it like a new game.
Vanilla was for the most part of a traditional RPG style game. So obviously there’s going to be part of the player base that won’t be crazy about it.
PvP is going to be completely screwed up regardless. But in a way, it’ll be fun I think.
All manner of excitement for this small glimmer of hope is dashed when you remember how much of an absolute shiz show pvp is going to be in this environment of entirely new retail-powered classes (essentially).
If your a person who enjoys retail PvP then possibly this will be your thing.
Yeah that’s my biggest worry about it all.
I still think that it most cases your standard vanilla metas will still be solid. But if it just turns into a dumb action smasher I’m out
Not so much an objection, but rather a better example. Evocate can heal a mage. As well as rune of power from glyph of evocation