Could we get a ruling on whether this is an exploit for pvp?

What comes to mind is that they restricted it on SOD by forming two quues, one for solos and one for premades in PVP after feedback about it as a test.

This is not rolled out (yet) to the other game versions. The negative drawback as was seen is that solo queue timers went up drastically and premade queue is facing a mixture of “I have to go premade to play” and “we’re premades in coordinated voice chat that can go 10 man flag room rush” types resulting in significant lopsides battles.

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it’s never been against the rules to “1, 2, 3 queue”

(the issue has been addressed here frequently, but the search function hates me)


The only thing Blizzard can do to stop this is to treat random BG’s like rated and make it so factions no longer matter. This would at least make it so the groups could end up on different teams and ruin their premades.


Uh, it seems like one of those things that’s not intended but also not really punished, even if it’s to the detriment of match quality.

Not only is zoning in to 25-40 player group in what’s meant to be a sort of pug environment kind of demoralizing, but these groups also abandon queue pops if they aren’t grouped, and this forces battlegrounds to start with heavily imbalanced teams (one having 10-15 people vs the enemy 40).

Considering they’re putting more attention into battlegrounds come War Within I hoped they’d take a stronger stance on this sort of thing.


So realy this threads turned into a feedback suggestions at this point any feed back sugfestions need to be put in the arenas/bg forums the dev dont collect suggestions here.

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The design there is random matchmaking=faction specific, full premade only=cross faction. Some players still take the concept of faction conflict very seriously, and blizzard doesn’t want them to feel excluded from random matchmaking content.

RBGs are currently premade only, so cross faction. BGs are random matchmaking, so faction specific.

I don’t expect you’ll see a formal comment on this, as it would be next to impossible to enforce. How many is too many? How often? How do you prove it? Sure, see it over and over and we can strongly assume, but that’s not actual proof. They’d need to see people planning it in game. I’d assume that doesn’t happen in many situations.

I imagine there are posts in the pvp section of the forums on this, as it seems to be a particularly hot topic at the moment. I’d comment there, as that’s where any suggestions would be noticed.

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This has actually been answered a few times already. Here is a quote from Vrakthris:


Thanks for that Bloom, don’t think it fully answers the question. The timing seems to be ok…but the requeue to get a full raid I don’t think is. They drop over and over when they are not all in until they get everyone in.

Good info though thanks for that.

Well dropping a queue isn’t against the rules either.

I understand that it sucks to constantly go against 30+ man premades in epic BGs. However, this is not against any rules.

I suggest a narrative shift. Instead of attempting to frame premades as “exploiting”, I think it would be much more productive to simply say you dislike playing against them. You could then shift towards talking about improvements that could be made to the BG pugging experience.

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I think it is both. Don’t get me wrong I think it is unfair and should be against the rules, but right now we have two conflicting Blizzard ideas.

One recent one, and a far back one both say timing is fine. Another says more than a five man group in an epic bg is an unfair advantage. Then code of conduct says gaining unfair advantage is cheating. So it sounds like it’s ok to time, but if you do extra things to reliably get in as a bigger group it’s cheating.

My real grip is just a lack of communication by blizzard with the PVP community so that is really what we need. So hoping for a very clear ruling on what parts are fair game and what are not. If they say you can drop requeue over and over and time over and over and get that advantage…I will move to that sucks and needs changed. If they rule it is cheating…which their current stance seems split on…I think it should be changed.

That’s where I am at. Just hoping for more balanced games with less exploitation of other players. Fun is the goal for me, and communication by blizzard has dropped off so hard it is just hard to get there in pvp right now.

It depends what these “extra” things include. If it’s some sort of hack that would not be acceptable.

However, in this scenario, I believe they just decline the queue and try again. That is well within the rules. You are allowed to decline any queue for any reason.

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Maybe, but in that case they are saying it is ok to have an unfair advantage in a BG…and that seems against their code of conduct so…still wondering why it is ok. Know what I mean?

Seems like a fuzzy middle ground that different comments from them don’t fit together and they need to clear it up. Before that last post you found I thought it was actually very clear because well they said it was unfair to have that many. I just don’t get the dichotomy there, and the end result is unfair.

It seems to me that if Blizzard has been aware of this for 12 years and hasn’t said or done anything to address it, there’s your ruling. It also seems that if someone links a post from a Blizzard employee saying queuing together isn’t against the rules… there’s your ruling.


Someone linked a Blizz response from 2007 re: premades here:

This is the Bluetracker from 2007:

https: //www. bluetracker. gg/wow/topic/us-en/3686814071-av-premades-an-exploit/

(Remove the spaces for the Blue tracker. I have not bothered to figure out how to link links.)

Here are the Quotes:

Question: On my 70 main I’ve been seeing a lot of premade groups in AV. Now I know how they are doing it but before I run out and do an AV premade of my own I want to be sure it isn’t an exploit.

So uh… are AV premades an exploit?

Blue Response: It’s definitely not an exploit to enter the queue at the same time using Voice Chat or another communication method.

No one likes premades but the people who premade. I solo Q into 'em all the time. It is what it is. To answer the question, they are not against the rules (until Blizzz says they are). Given this an MMO where people play together, I doubt they will do anything as they have not since forever. Other MMOs have premades problems too: Boon balls in GW2 and Ball groups in Cyrodil, ESO. Those games don’t do anything about it either. And, again, I think it is because, this is an MMO where people get in groups and do things.


Here, let me help:

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Thanks Ayukama. Much better presentation than me.

The point I wanted to make was this was from 2007. Premades have been a thing for a very long time. Given that this is an MMO, where the goal is to play as a team to overcome challenges, it seems very unlikely this will change. Blizz isn’t the only MMO hearing these complaints (do check the other game pvp forums if you are curious).

I think this means that MMO devs see value is group acvtivity. I do not think they are wrong, even when I am getting face rolled by…premades.

Try and have fun. I have found that I pick smaller battles with in the larger battle, and am able to have a blast even when it is very clear the larger battle will be lost.


I don’t see how vrak’s post addresses this at all. He appears to be referencing singular individual queuing together (he says queuing with someone else. This is singular. Not plural). Which would likely refer to a 5 man team or less. Extrapolating his statement to fit 40 man raid teams is a stretch.

That being said, it doesn’t fit the traditional definition of exploiting anyway. But it certainly runs counter to what blizz has intended. Else they would allow raids to queue together to begin with.

Blizzard (including the dev in charge of PvP) has explained why they don’t want premade raids in random bgs. It’s against the spirit of the game, against the spirit of fair play, and it drives players away from PvP.

In case that’s not clear, it’s bad for the game.

Premade raiders ignore all of that. Instead, they focus on “Well, Blizzard hasn’t outright called it cheating/exploiting. Blizzard isn’t banning people. That means it’s ok to keep circumventing restrictions to roflstomp the other team.”

Blizzard has explicitly said your premade raids are ruining bgs for others, but you don’t care. You can see your premade raids are ruining bgs for others, but you don’t care.

It’s sad people care so little for the health of the PvP community. They don’t mind driving other players away from PvP. If anything, they might even enjoy it.

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Not really.
They ignore things until it’s posted on twitter/reddit by someone important or popular.
They ignored the guild doing literal slave / white cult things in game until a congress senator posted about it on twitter.