Could this be my account was hacked? (edit spelling)

Why isn’t there any real help here. My account had a short update, I logged back in and ALL my characters are gone and it says start a new ‘trial’ toon or subscribe now for new Expansion.
I am seeing other people today with this issue but NO help.
I finally give my cell, and now I am hacked?

Well the blues have gone home for the nite its not staffed around the clock I highly doubt u were hacked probably logged into the wrong account.

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There is this post by a Blue on just this issue… 2010

  • July 26, 2010, 10:59 p.m.
    " i logged on to wow one day and got a shock., all my characters were gone! what happend? can they be restored? how?"
    BluesTracker comment:
    “I would also suggest that you take a look at the sticky entitled Account Hacked? Security Issue? Look Here!: forums worldofwarcraft com / thread). It sounds like your account may have been compromised, and your characters may have been deleted, or even transferred off to another realm. I would read through the aforementioned post, and ensure your computer is secure. Once that has been accomplished, then continue, and get a petition in so that we can investigate your account restoration.”

I realy doubt u were hacked do u have a authenticator theres been a few bugs today so it could clear by morning the fact that u have acess to ur account and not banned or suspended because hackers tend to do nasty stuff makes me think u werent hacked.

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This is from today. And as someone who has been around here for a few years - there are plenty of other instances that you’re not dredging up in lieu of that old 2010 post. It’s not just affecting people who bought the expansion, it’s also involving folks who haven’t bought the new expansion.

There is an ongoing issue related to the drop of the new expansion. There are a couple of suggestions in that thread, had you just scrolled down a couple of posts here rather than lashing out about there being “no help.”

I’m seeing you actually even posted in another thread - also from today - where Orlyia was active. The suggestions she has made in these threads, it has worked for most. Not everyone, unfortunately.

I would make sure that your launcher is actually set to the proper account. It sounds stupid, but it happens sometimes where it wants to deselect one’s primary account. Instead, it selects like WoW1 or something.


Im having the same issue I have no toons at all. I played last night and now nothing

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Have you tried the suggested fixes?


Im running a scan on it now and then ill try what you posted. Thank you so much

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I’m actually doubling down on what I’m saying in my post to you above. I finally just had my launcher do the broken thing, and I rebooted my laptop. And it did, in fact, actually have my account set to the non-subscribed WoW1 instead of my named Dragonflight account. So please, make sure it’s pulling from the right account when you’re trying to log. It truly may be something that simple.


Yeah that was it. Thank you again for the help.


You are most welcome! Glad it got sorted for you. ^^


Ok, I just understood what you and others were saying about ‘version/edition’, and yes mine was set to ‘Starter Edition1’? …
My realm list is back with my toons.
Thank you! for the assistance.

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Make sure you have the correct account selected. I’ve seen several posts where the launcher resorted to picking a different account upon start up.

Edit: Oops sorry missed that it was fixed. :smiley:


You are very welcome. Glad that was all it was!