Could the Undead Night Elves be ever accepted by their living kin?

You can literally copy and paste it in google.

Can I ask what the general opinion of DKs and Highborne are in night elf society? Is xenophobia still part of their culture?

We cannot speak for every night elf on this topic, but it is safe to assume that the night elves abhor the death knights. Their very existence is unnatural, which goes against everything kaldorei culture stands for.

As for the Highborne, these elves now must reap the consequences of their actions. Their crimes—during the War of the Ancients and their subsequent refusal to cease using arcane magic—cannot be atoned for overnight. Despite the fact that official talks to accept them back into the fold are under way, the co-leaders of the kaldorei expect many years to pass before the Highborne are truly assimilated into society.

Wowpedia also has a page that has all of the answers in one place.


Everyone abhors the Death Knights. The walk in shame in Stormwind spells that out quite clearly. The night elves aren’t special in that regard.


Also just because they’re abhorred, doesn’t mean they’re kill on sight. Tyrande or Anduin could’ve arranged protection.

Is that the current argument?

When you finish the Walk of Shame as a DK, Varian/Anduin/ who ever is warming the throne this week yells out a proclamation, so yes.

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I know what happens there, I’m just trying to figure our who is arguing that the DKs are kill on sight, and how its presented.

The world is a bit of strange place to accomodate gameplay. People should be running screaming in fear from the demons the average Warlock player keeps around them. Not to mention the ferocious sabertooth tigers that Night Elves prefer as mounts… that’s just the top of the list.

I would most certainly hope that they wouldn’t accept them.

I feel I should repeat what was said earlier; The very first thing the Sadelves hear is Tyrande begging them to fight the shadow in their heart.

Implying she very much wants to help them. There’s no action of disgust, outside of when Tyrande then turns her attention to Nathanos and the Val’kyr.

If you haven’t yet, I’d suggest playing through the DK starter as a Nelf. The living relative/friend they have you ‘torture’ better reflects it. They say it’s monstrous but still claim you as their sister/brother.


Of course she wants to help them. Apparantly the Night Warrior hasn’t totally exorcised the healer part of her personality.

Are you suggesting that IS canon when Darnassian Sentinel would just stand there with no reaction at all while I (or rather an Alliance warlock like Cladriah) summon infernals to smash fauns right in front of them? Game mechanics are game mechanics. An Alliance DK doesn’t petition Tyrande to be allowed into Alliance lands once they’ve finished their starting area.

It’s sure as hell not ACCEPTANCE, as was claimed. I promise you, it would take A LOT more than Saudi Arabia lifting the “stone to death” sentence on being gay to make me feel accepted there.

I’m aware of that material. I’m also aware of how the night elves feel about the undead in general. And these two night elves would certainly ALSO be aware of that. Which means they would have real cause to either not really believe Tyrande or to think the opinion of one person, no matter how important she is in service to a goddess they no longer have faith in, isn’t terribly important.

You do have a point, one might expect the Night Warrior Tyrande to just kill them on sight as unnatural abominations (surely Greymane would do so if his worgen were raised similarly), but she does not do so.

There are surprisingly quite a few kaldorei death knights on Draenor helping the Alliance campaign, although whether they are there at the behest of Tyrande and Malfurion is less clear:
Arebia Wintercall
Lleanya Mourningsong
Raevyn Sorrowblade

The night elves could try to use these individuals to help connect with the newly raised dark wardens and rangers. They might show them it is possible, although extremely difficult, to try to adapt to your new circumstances but still fight alongside your old kin. Yes, the night elves did view the death knights as abominations, but views and beliefs can change over time, after all, even the Highborne magi are now allowed into the Temple of the Moon, and the druids and Sentinels now accept different genders into their fold.


There are some differences. Blood elves currently hate the void elves.

Since all three are recruited through the tavern I’d say it is quite clear that they’re not. They’re free agents.

BECAUSE they switched sides. Feared and distrusted them before, ok sure. But the only hate between them before the Void Elves joined the Alliance would have been from the Velf side.

Why do people take this line as she was willing to accept them back in? I took it as you must fight the evil and not come back as undead.

This is a misguided sentiment, albeit an interesting perspective.

Possessed bodies are not self reflective. In their dialogue there is outrage and hopelessness of their past life. A body with a new soul would not have these feelings. The undelfs, are acting out of hatred and contempt for tyrande, not of love of the banshee queen.

And remember that at least one of them was expressing those sentiments about Elune at least while alive and still technically, Alliance.

The other thing of course for them to be accepted back, implies that they’re in a state of mind to want to come back.

We’re not seeing that here.

Would they accepted back? Sure its feasible. The scenario is FUBAR for them though and like people have said theres Nelf DKs around helping people out.

But then again Blizzard has the undead nelves side with their murderers and being completely ok with it. I wouldnt be surprised if they make Druid purge squads of undead, market it as morally grey then laugh about it next Blizzcon