Could survival be reworked before launch?

Could it be possible to have a small redesign to make melee surv more viable?

From the beginning of Vanilla, it was evident that Survival was meant to be a melee spec. But instead of a redesign and new abilities to make it work, Survival lost all of it’s uniqueness, and became a shoddy (ranged) Marksmanship clone, which arguably is not what all people wanted.

So concidering we already have a wealth of iconic, good 2h specs in Vanilla, would anyone oppose to giving a couple of new DW abilities for Suvival Hunters, at least until the Survival rework comes in?

I mean to put it like this. If EVERY spec was as badly designed as Survival Hunter when WoW launched, then how many people would have played WoW to begin with?

No change crowd may have a point when it comes to PvP balance and hybrids, but this is a rare case where opposing changes to surv does literally no good for no one ever. It’s a garbage spec that nobody uses. Improving the spec would only do good for the game and increase the amount of people that can enjoy the game.

In the best case, it could even reduce the amount of people playing FOTM classes like Warriors or Rogues. What’s there not to like?

Survival currently has 0 compelling gameplay, it should be changed so at least it’s more fun to play for people who like playing a melee hunter, even if wouldn’t be as powerful as other classes or even other Hunter specs.

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Possible, but highly unlikely.

If you haven’t watched it yet, I recommend looking for the video of the BlizzCon panel on WOW: Classic. In that, Ion explains the design philosophy they’re working from:

  1. Deliver an authentic experience
  2. High priority on integrity of social experience
  3. Avoid messing with the 1.12 data

Specifically the last, which I bolded, is about not trying to decide that we know better now, so let’s make things better.

Just get creative with what the hunters talent tree has to offer. Gamers now a days need a meta for everything and if its not meta its not viable. Leave this ugly mindset and get creative have some fun use the talent calculator. Maybe you will discover a fun ninche that no one trys that complements ur gameplay.


Yes, this.

If you want “reworked Survival,” and particularly “melee hunter,” BFA is for you.

Despite what you’ve heard, and despite what Blizzard is now pretending, Survival was never, ever, a tree for melee hunters. It was a tree with a few melee talents, for if you got stuck in melee range during PvP; if you had a choice you always chose to be at range, just like markmanship or beast mastery hunters.


Got watch the classic panel. There’s your answer. These posts are so dumb


holy crap guy, how many times has it been said… No balance changes whatsoever.



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I don’t think they are going to make any major talent changes from 1.12.

Fixing survival should have happened 12 years ago.

survival did fine ranged dps compared to marks when their gear got really good
but hunters won’t ever have a legit melee spec in Classic, even if theres changes

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If you hunters get talent changes then all the other classes will want changes to, and down the slippery slope we go!


Another wasted internet thread.


Level BM if you’re lazy, level MM if you’re insecure about your ranged damage, level survival if you want to be a real hunter (only half joking).

It feels great when a group is short on CC and you surprise them by stepping up to the plate. Pet off-tanking? Please. Lock down two mobs at once ez with freezing + wyvern, or kite a whole group with ensnarement frost traps. Other hunters can do plenty, but they lack the survival style. A mob catches up? Pop deterrence, smack them upside the head with a raptor strike crit, then counterattack and resume kiting.

Go BM until improved cheetah first, though.

Survival is fine, man. You just need to L2P honestly. The survival spec is all about SURVIVING which means you shouldn’t be putting yourself in any sort of danger like going to raids or 5-mans. I guarantee if you play this spec right (just standing in town) you will never even die. If anything it’s OP.


Absolutely not. #NOCHANGES

Classic needs to be as close to a real representation of what the original game was. Flawed and unbalanced and all. With the ability to really use the talents you can do what you want and play how you want but balance wasn’t there. Hell it still isn’t there and many of the changes that drove this game down some really bad paths are due to them always trying to balance classes. Enough already!

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:stop_sign: NO :stop_sign:


Survival is superb in pvp and I personally think it is the best pvp tree. So it doesn’t really need a buff.

In terms of pure gametime, my 29 twink survival hunter was what I did most in Vanilla. You were NOT getting out of the flag room in WSG. Entrapment ftw.

My 29 twink hunter preferred the extra range so I could sit at the top of the indoor ramp in the alliance base and mow people down and there was nothing they could do about it.

The devs said no class balancing will be done.

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