Could someone explain the concept behind the locked servers

Can someone help a total noob understand how Bliz categorizes the servers. I would have assumed that “Locked” meant that the population was so high that Bliz was doing what they could (as in locking new players) to discourage any more growth…but I have found from my experience on Sulfuras that the Server is DEAD…I mean like when I do a /who anywhere and everywhere, including the cities, I get NO ONE playing the game. I did a deeper dive into the various sites that claim to track server populations and verified that for both Horde and Alliance, the server is Dead…SO I am rethinking my hypothesis…“Locked” does not mean the server is too full, but that Bliz locked it to literally let the server die. Is this correct? Why else lock dead servers?

yes locked are dead and will be closed at some point

to kepe ANGLOs off grobbu

AH…thanks for reposting that. Question answered!

More jaja less saxon

Dead game trying hard to not look so dead.

no worries, they should have left it pinned.

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Blizz had said they would be closed “shortly after” Cata launch.

While not a complaint, it is a bit strange that they haven’t actually shut them down what, 7-8 weeks post-launch.

If their intent was to consolidate populations moreso than the servers themselves, perhaps they feel like it was mission accomplished since it certainly scared most people into voluntarily xferring.

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