"Could not change race for character"

As title says, I paid for a “Faction Change”.

Using it on Earthen Horde to Earthen Alliance. I go through the customizations and submit, after submitting I get the error. how do I fix this issue? this is frustrating since WoW customer support wont refund me on the grounds of the consumable being used?

Well. To start, I do not know if you’re running into one of the restrictions laid out in this particular article:

From there, you’ve got two options. I would advise against submitting tickets for both choices, because that will just be all sorts of headache that isn’t helpful for you or for the staff.

Option A - you can submit a ticket for “Purchase Failure.” The service isn’t working as it should be, regardless of the initial transaction completed.

Option B - You can send in a request to be refunded here:

If you’re not able to complete the change, the token shouldn’t have been consumed. Even then, not all hope is lost if you’re within their metrics.



Thank You, will keep you updated on responses.

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