Could it be? PVP gear upgrade?

PvP Itemization

We have been following the constructive feedback about the range of gear available on our PvP vendors, and we agree with the underlying concerns. While WoW is an interconnected ecosystem of different content and systems and we feel that the very strongest characters should be the ones who participate and excel in a wide range of activities, each individual progression path should offer the majority of the tools required for success in that path. The current PvP vendors fall short of that goal.

We are considering a few different solutions, such as reworking the stat coverage of the vendor gear and/or providing PvP-specific bonuses through those items. As soon as we’ve settled on a direction, we’ll share our plan for feedback, and get the changes up on Beta for testing.

Here’s hoping PVP stat is on the table, though maybe with enough “PVP-specific” bonuses it won’t matter.

The goal should really be to make PVP the best way to gear for PVP. I don’t mind a little spice from PVE (e.g. a legendary), but I want the fastest best way to gear for PVP to be doing PVP.


I believe maybe some kind of PvP set bonuses in the works. I’m just trying to figure out exactly what they might mean by “those who excel at a wide range” thing… In essence that sounds to me like “mythic raiders are best at everything” again


Yes, that has me scared too.

Right now PVE only players have the biggest gear advantage in PVP.

PVP only players have the worst gear that takes the longest to get.

There is no excelling at a wide range here, just PVE for PVP gear.

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This part is a least heartening to read. There is some hope.

I’m with you that if I gotta do some little minor pve stuff…
Whatever I’ll do it, not happy bout it, but if I gotta do that 1 raid every week for that 1 trinket, I’ll suck it up.

It has to be something small like that tho, basically everything needs to come from PVP or this is all pointless

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I’ve shared my feedback to that thread, I’m keeping a very watchful eye on it. I really think a PVP stat or set bonus is a huge mistake.

Isn’t huge mistake a little extreme? I mean it worked for freaking every expansion before legion and after classic…

It works, it makes pvp players happy, and it doesn’t ruin pve content. It’s great! No set or pvp power means blizzard now has to balance which is not going to be in the pvp players favor I promise you that.

It kills cross play and the accessiblity of arena.

You do realize you will need a separate set anyway because pve stats are not the same as pvp stats right? You need two sets anyway

You think you gonna bring your crit mastery to mid level arena and do well?

You also don’t bother to optimize your stats and just want one gear set for all activities.

Many of us like to optimize our gear, even those of us who are not the top 0.05% that you said should be the only ones that itemization should matter.

Yes, I do that on some of my alts. You don’t need to be fully optimized to be competitive.

That is simply untrue, please show me these alts rating with your pve gear on. Show it to me stop hiding behind that fake toon

That’s fine if you like optimizing your gear, but it just isn’t necessary. Just because you like doing it doesn’t mean it should be easy.

He is simply lying… You can not compete at mid high level versus haste vers players with your full mastery or crit mastery or whatever pve toon. You will not compete at a high level unless your skill is so far and beyond the opponent

What rating do you consider to be “high level”?

If you don’t have multiple sets now then you’re doing something wrong. Accessibility goes out the window for most of the specs. Vers sucks for most classes in pve yet its bis for pvp.

Arenas thrived when pvp stats were a thing. Arena right now is the most inaccessible it’s ever been with claw/drest/bike/getiku/etc.

Honestly I don’t believe you can compete at a mid level… Even at like 1750-2k range everyone is optimized very well. The only way you beat these players with crit mastery gear is if you are like a 2500 player playing vs lowbies just way outskilling them.

Typically in the past full bg gear was enough to easily make it in the lower 2k range, I never could cuz I’m not skilled enough, but good players could do very well in bc-wod with literally full bg gear.

Bg gear takes like 2 or 3 days my guy… You really saying 2 or 3 days is a barrier of entry?

This is the kicker, the barrier to entry is PVE right now and has been for 4 years!

Yet when they made arenas accessible for pvers it killed rated PvP participation in legion. It’s almost as if pvers like to pve and pvpers like to PvP. The few that do both are the exception.

Regardless there’s still a huge jump from pve to arenas that has nothing to do with gear. Abilities hit differently. Azerite traits are nerfed. Very different stat priorities.

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