Could I please have a way to turn OFF auto-attack?

It is, and it’s not filling in gaps in your rotation.

You will always auto attack at your weapon speed even if you are using an ability. If my 3.6 second 2-hand sword lines up with me pressing an ability both with happen at the same time.

It’s not like back in Vanilla/TBC where you could clip your auto attacks.

Blizzard isn’t going have a toggle option to disable auto attacks permanently because of your RP needs.

You actually quoted this and still responded with “use a wand?” Really?

Ain’t nobody got time to read! I wasn’t the only one who posted that solution. It’s their only solution, to not play a hunter and use a wand.

This thread is a prime example of why you see adults with that tired, defeated look. lol

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Still the computer playing your character without your input.

It’s not a big deal. It’s not like the computer is suddenly going to demand their percentage of the gold or other loot :grin: .

I just prefer to know then I win a fight, I won it, not the computer and I won it. That just kinda cheapens it for me.

Different strokes.

Umm… I never said anything about RP.

What made you go there?

I could be playing a first person shooter or a puzzle game and I would still have an issue with the computer progressing my game without my input. If I wanted a computer to play a game for me, I would go read a book because clearly I have lost interest in playing video games.

So no, Blizzard is not going to add in an option to disable auto-attack for my non-existent RP needs.

But, hopefully, they will do it for my gameplay needs.

After all, a lot of things have been upended in the last two years. Maybe this will one more :woman_shrugging: .

Made me laugh out loud!

:cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: for you!

Because RP is the only logical reason I could think of why someone would want their auto attack turned off.

Because if your are a melee or a hunter you are losing out 2-3% (even more for Fury Warriors talented into Annihilator) raw damage not factoring in proc’s that also contribute to your damage.

Blizzard isn’t going to remove auto attacks either, especially when they are essentially required for some achievements because you are so many levels higher than intended and it’s the only way not to kill a raid boss before triggering the achievement.

Your hunter is not pulling things on its own. YOU are pulling things.

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There is an addon called Advanced Interface Options that has a setting that allows you to stop auto attacking when you switch targets (or your target dies).

There is no way in game to completely disable auto attack tho.
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Exactly, which is why if you run round right clicking on things you shouldn’t be surprised you send an auto shot. If you want to click an npc but not risk attack, using left click works just fine.

The issue isnt right clicking mobs - the issue is sending pets for example into combat then swapping target to the next pack waiting for things to die and it auto shots them. You can turn this function off with the above mentioned addon.

Ahem. Click the 1 key once.

How would disabling auto attack improve my ability to RP?

I can live with that.

I would rather do less damage and know, in the end, I defeated a mob rather than I and the computer defeated a mob.


No where have I asked for auto attacks to be removed. That would be stupid. And self-centered. And selfish. A lot of people are dependent on it for their playstyle.

I am asking for an option in the UI to disable auto attacks.

Please read what I am actually writing, not what you think I am writing.

This thread has me wondering how I’m completing the hats-on-frogs world quest where stray auto attacks can easily kill what I’m trying to reduce to low hp. Whatever I’m doing to avoid auto-attacking, it’s become so reflexive that I can’t seem to recall what iit is,

Technically, neither of us are.

The computer is.

Please see post 31 of this thread.

Then please see post 36 of this thread.

What a bizarre topic and thread.


I use the addon ‘right click modifier’ to help reduce my accidental auto attack pulls and target changes when panning my camera. Perhaps it may be of use to you! :slight_smile:

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And who exactly is in control of the computer? :eyes:

My gosh what the heck an I even reading in this thread…

Doesn’t change the function of it, but all Autoattack is for a Hunter, is your Hunter Abilities also activating the ability ‘Auto Shot’.. Might help if you just justify it as your abilities having a secondary function that’s just not part of the tooltip. Rapid Fire isn’t “Shoot a stream of 7 shots at your target over 2 sec”, it’s “Shoot a stream of 7 shots at your target over 2s, and activate Auto Shot

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And the issue is when changing targets (next pack for example), before you have pressed an ability, auto shot is active on the new target when you arent even in combat with - its bad design on a hunter because of the range.