Could I please have a way to turn OFF auto-attack?

I can turn it on and off on the bottom left just by clicking it.

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The toggle doesnt prevent it activating on right click, so you have to hit it every time you want to turn it off after you start attacking and im pretty sure for hunters and melee it’ll auto start again as soon as you use an ability.

Its a toggle i think because in the old days you actually had to press the shoot attack as a melee with ranged weapons for like every shot so its comparatively a toggle in that after the first it’ll keep shooting til the target is dead or you click it again to stop.

So you can toggle it on to keep auto attacking but not really toggle it off to never auto attack.


Inversely I’d like a toggle to have my spells auto target nearby enemies.

If I press Arcane shot I’ll shoot a nearby creature, but if I press Agony I won’t target or cast it.

Don’t right click. Left click.


I am at the training dummies now on my hunter and once I put it on I can switch targets in it still is auto attacking.

So, it sounds like you may need to work on left clicking instead of right. I do understand you wanting a checkbox, but between the option of waiting to see if blizzard changes anything and actively trying to fix the issue yourself, I think retraining your movement may be the faster option.

I wasn’t referring to the current state of autoattack for hunters, more to how incredibly annoying it used to be.

Oh I thought you were asking a question.

LOL Me too

It’s behaving just like my toon does when right clicking a target. Left click or right click, doesn’t matter, it still shoots at the target. If I just right click the target, same thing happens vs my toon left clicking a target, nothing happens.

I’d honestly forgotten it was even a thing.

Use this to disable right click targeting (you can specifically do this for “out of combat” if the concern is facepulling a boss or whatever because you right clicked).

It’s old. but it was recommended by someone during Dragonflight so it’s probably simple enough that patches don’t really affect it.

Edit: If autoattack turning itself on AFTER you pull something with an ability is the concern, then nevermind, this probably won’t help. I guess I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want that function though. That’s like a good third of non-casters’ DPS and you’re already hitting the target anyway, and it procs things for some specs – don’t know for Hunters though.

This is probably the closest you’ll get if you want it to stay off even while actively using abilities.

It’d be:
/cast [ability]

in that order. Assuming that’s the correct command for turning off autoattack and assuming it doesn’t consume a global for some reason (I highly doubt it does).

edit: The command is /stopattack, not /autoattack off or cancel or whatever.

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I checked and I left click.

And no I am not firing first. I line up the shot and before I can shoot, the character does without my input.

But frankly even if I was firing first, that doesn’t mean I want to auto-attack that mob.

I just checked.

It does not stay off. The minute you attack, it turns right back on.

isnt there a auto attack button in the spell book? doesnt clicking that switch the auto attack on and off? :thinking:

I have never done this and I never misdirected on the healer in pugs when I didn’t do this.

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Isn’t T the default keybind for toggle autoattack?

It doesn’t matter because auto-attack doesn’t stay off once you attack.

Cant help with the auto attack on spell use since thats just a hunter thing after they fixed the full rotation in a macro from tbc, but hunters auto attack on left click is a known and repetitive bug dating as far back on the forums as legion at least. Would recommend pulling up some of those old bug reports and seeing if any of them have a fix.

The temp solution is just to target things with your character facing away since you cant shoot behind you, can also check if your character is in combat stance when you do that cause you’ll start holding your bow/gun.

The first recommended check would be does it do it if you dont have a pet out and do you have any pet related macros or addons because the early posts said that was the likely culprit of the auto shot bug.

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on that target that is correct. However, if you turn it off before you switch targets it won’t start again until you attack. So your character shouldn’t be pulling things you don’t want.

I’m not sure I understand what this means.

Thank you.

This did not come up when I googled before posting here so I did not realize it was bug. I thought it was working as intended.

Great idea.

Unfortunately, every suggestion I already read on reddit, tried and nothing has worked.

I am going to give that a shot and if it doesn’t work, I’ll just skip the raid and go onto Argus.

Thank you for the info and suggestions!

:cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: for you!

But Blizzard, if you are reading this, I would still like an option to turn off auto-attack in the UI. My characters don’t need to be doing anything without my input unless I want them to.

I would also suggest putting this into an in game feedback submission, too. Just to make sure.

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