Could boosting with token to gold purchases

It doesnt. you did it right. I can do what you did that took you several years in a week with buying tolkens.

If you looked at my alts or even my main this season they probably looked like carries when I first got to 2k+. I run with friends, so we jumped straight into 15+'s and on my alts a lot of dungeons only have one key each on them. Happens when you spread yourself thin over multiple alts. Towards the end of the season I finally start to look normal.

Boosting was only a big deal in wod during the content drought when people wanted the Grove Warden mount. Gold was plentiful in wod, and the token didn’t buy much gold.

IMO even if you have the best gear and all the achievements, it means nothing if you didn’t legitimately play and earn it. People can do whatever they want, I don’t care. Boosting is stupid, I have no idea why anyone would do it.

Cool. So there’s no one way to classify it.

If and only if you consider having gear as winning.

It is.
However, not fully. As in you are not spending copious amount of cash for items you want in a shop. You are still technically gambling.