Could boosting with token to gold purchases

Oh look. A logical fallacy argument. Try again.

Also, you image is wrong. I have way more pet achieves than that. Everyone knows the armory never updates. You also never answered my question.

Pay-to-win means that people who pay have an advantage over people who donā€™t pay, no matter how many hours they put into the game. WoW tokens help you catch up without actually playing the game, but anyone playing the game seriously will still be ahead of you.

So itā€™s not healthy for a great gaming environment, but itā€™s not PTW

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Yes, I was under the impression that was the definition.

Not sure how this remotely relevant to the thread, but that achievement is super easy you just look up the strats on Xu Fu and do what they strats say. Actual hardest pet battle achievement is

Iā€™ve been running into that a lot lately. Iā€™ve been running +5s for valor to slowly upgrade stuff. Well the other night we had a group for a HOA and the death knight was a 2k IO guy. I figured he would smash the content easily. Guess what? We only got marginal damage and play out of him. I looked him up after the run and sure enough he didnā€™t have very many actual runs. It appears he got everything from boosting and carries.

I donā€™t know why people do it. You spend the money to buy the game and subscribe. Then you spend even more to bypass everything. Why the heck are you even playing at that point? Itā€™s nuts.


Okay, so it usually goes something like this

They try by themselves, either get spam declined or have low numbers (and think itā€™s because their gear is bad), buy carries, continue to underperform due to lack of content (and their own spec) knowledge and end up buying carries exclusively after only being able to get into lower groups.

Because mid-high tier groups can spot them and insta-decline them, so they end up playing with each other, buying more carries or polluting the lower end of the ladder where people are learning and arenā€™t sure how to look people up.

Yeah, itā€™s wild. At least it kind of makes sense in the case of aotc mounts, ksm mounts, challenge mode mogs, etc, where people want the shiny reward before itā€™s gone.

This game is super pay to win with the token. Ding lvl 60. boost immedialty to like ilvl 230+ with cheap ah gear which is covered with one token buy a few more and you can buy 270+ gear from the ah and then you just skipped 90% of the whole expansion.


Oh everyone knows XuFu. Unfortunately the vast majority of the strats on it donā€™t work. Especially since they never got updated for the 8.x and 9.x pet reworks. Also the RNG heavy nature of the fights on Argus compound it big time. The 5k achieve may be difficult. But only because it takes forever. Itā€™s no where near as RNG or IMO difficult as the Family Fighter achieve. Not by a long shot.

Edit: XuFu doesnā€™t even have a guide for Family Fighter. They seem to be missing it from their website for Legion for some reason.

I remember doing Family Fighter, it was super easy. Also how do you figure that PVP pet battles donā€™t have RNG? I mean technically itā€™s not a literal random number generator on the other end, but you obviously canā€™t just follow a TD Script

i donā€™t get everyones obsession with p2w lol. we all know it has nothing to do with the failed state of wow in 2022. if they ever make it were you canā€™t get this gear in the game without buying it maybe start worrying then. and donā€™t give me this crap with all my groups are always filled with token buyers ya right.

I guess I can see that they want the special reward but it has always felt dirty to me if I didnā€™t earn it. Whatā€™s the point if itā€™s just handed over to you with no effort. I know I donā€™t have the time to even skill to earn the best rewards. Iā€™m ok with that. Yea some of that stuff is neat but Iā€™m not worried that I wonā€™t get it.

When it comes down to it, itā€™s their money to spend how they please. It just seems a waste and silly to spend extra cash on rewards you didnā€™t earn.

Iā€™ll grant you the PvP achieves are pretty bad. Could even be harder, true. But I doubt most people would remember Family Fighter as being easy. Not if my own experience is anything to go by. Even Hazlenutty remarked on how infuriating it was.

I think Iā€™d rather do it 5 or even 10 times instead of 5k pvp wins.

That doesnā€™t make it ā€œeasyā€. Itā€™s just less of a grind by comparison.

Itā€™s much easier than playing against other players, lol

Oh who cares? So some people can afford nicer cars, that doesnā€™t make driving pay to win. Winning is defined personally, itā€™s not up to anyone else. They didnā€™t cheat in any way, who cares?

I can understand both sides of the argument,One side saying why not itā€™s my money the other itā€™s cheapening the game because youā€™re getting the same rewards as those that donā€™t use it. Boosting for leveling I can understand people wish to level fast get the gear to play 60,Iā€™m fine with that but past leveling I consider that an over killing in the game.

So what if someone like me that has never bought a token pays someone gold to carry me in a raid? I have more than enough to do that at any time if I feel so inclined.
Did I P2W despite never paying anything beyond the standard fee to access the game?
You would need to spend $1000ā€™s to do what I could do with the gold I made naturally over my years of playing the game. Just to get the Bruto mount I have was something like $800 when it was current.
So am I P2W when Iā€™m not buying tokens or how does that fit into this narrative?

nice point they forget some people are loaded with gold from playing the game they just assume people buy tokens lol. i ainā€™t loade but i got enough gold to if i felt like i wanted to.

We might as well have a raid vendor now pay 5 tokens to get a choice of raid gear the way itā€™s going. 10 for a higher level etc. there is no need to do raids any more.