Looking at the first of these 3 expansions. It seems like we don’t really get any new class or spec additions. While the hero talents probably i stuff we already had but has been shuffled around.
As much as i dislike DH, it’s silly that they are still stuck with two specs. Especially after DF where Dragons started off with two and got a third 1/3 into the expansion. Is it that difficult to think of a theme for a 3rd spec for DH? Ok a they got tank and melee, while caster would intrude on Warlocks. So why not a ranged spec?
They are “hunters” after all, and still we got three entire weapon types exclusive to hunters only.
Yeah, as much as support specs sounds interesting, they are pretty much doomed to fail long-term due to greatly increasing the complexity of balance.
Can just look at the statistics for M+, not perfect but every class was used… Until Dracthyr support was added, and now it suddenly converged to 5-6 classes only.
I remember writing a similar post in here the other day but it sucks that DH is the only class in the game with 2 specs. If Blizzard gave me the choice to only play Gecko or DH. I would still play DH.
Wasnt it just one? I’m not saying it couldnt be made into a spec. She wasnt like a sore sight or anything. But what did she really do? Torture a few demons? Essentially just a warlock at that point. Dont need to kill off warlocks more for dh.
I’m guessing it’s because there’s no thematic reason for it. The story has moved on from Fel magic and DHs just aren’t a focus. Fortunately Havoc is still a super fun spec…
The only thing I wish they’d give the DH is flight. We have wings too. Though since time immemorial we’ve been using them as a parachute or hang glider!