I’m okay with 2 specs as long as they stay stronk.
If they want to give us something, give us dynamic flying - we got wings too!
A ranged dps spec throwing fel chakrams as main form of attack
transfer the soul of the enemy into allies for Buffs?
sounds good to me ;D
It’s wild to me that we only have 1 physical ranged dps
Give DH a ranged physical spec with ranged auto attack. Wouldn’t be hard to center it around throw glaive or something.
Actually I’m pretty sure chickens could fly farther if KFC, or Popeye’s could keep their hands of the genetic code to provide more meat.
I thought they used polearms…I remember the female DH with the purple scythe that is a polearm in game
Well, Scythe is Schrödinger’s Polearm.
DH will Never Have a 3rd spec. Blizz has stealthily decreed this as gospel. Might as well ask for slow-flight you can just pay for.
I would love to have a fel magic wielding spec but not sure how they would work that in without stepping even more on the toes of locks.
maybe but not his staff
So long as it isn’t caster.
My mother has raised “meat birds” in the past and they grow so fast they are ready to go in just a few months. They are way way heavier than an egg laying chicken. Basically a chicken on steroids. In fact they are so heavy that if they fall over they cannot get up and usually suffocate. Their legs very often quit working, but I don’t think the factory farms that created them care about that all that much.
Oh, and they effectively cannot breed on their own so they are about as artificial as it gets.
I’d like to pick up a gnome, fry it with eye beam, and throw it an my enemies.
I’m gonna need a steady supply of gnomes.
Kinda like FFXIV Dancer? a physical ranged spec that has a lot of support abilities
If they do that they might as well open up dhs to other races (i hope they do) i mean why put effort into a class thats locked behind one race on each side (they should make dhs playable from all races).
All race all classes. I dont want to wait 3 expqnsions for this to be a reality. Why cant blizz jusr give us what we want instead of sprinkling breadcrumbs
I don’t know ff14 classes.
My ideia is based on that hunter abilitie they got from maldraxxus covenant.
Not saying everyone does… but if you read the book, half of the time Illidan isn’t using his glaives, he’s casting. Could be something along that line. Sort of a hybrid caster-melee.
Even though I don’t play FFXIV. I always thought the dancer was such a unique class. Blizzard has so many ideas out there just waiting to be used.