Cough... Tuesday the 13th?

It’s called Slack/Zoom/Teams. It’s pretty neat.


Bull. That might have been true if this was 10 years ago but here in 2020 land it’s incredibly simple to coordinate even with covid. That’s not really an excuse in this age of technology and the simplicity of communication.


It’s really not looking like it’ll be postponed to after the 6th at all. It’s actually looking like the 29th, with the 6th a 2nd likely candidate at this point.

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Some of y’all have never tried to coordinate on Zoom/etc. and it shows. Coordination is a pain without physically being there.

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On a game forum for a game where 20 people get together and coordinate in real time a fight where actions occur every few seconds that requires coordinated responses, someone says “it’s hard to coordinate when you’re not all in the same room”.

Everyone is like “What do you think we do when we kill things like Mythic N’zoth ?”.

I’m literally in a Teams meeting right now, for my daily scrum.

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Based on what exactly? No announcement for the 29th yet, the end of season announcement would only be 8 days long, there are still weekly updates coming to the PTR.

  • Monday End of season announcement “still 2 lockouts”.
  • PTR Release candidate build on Tuesday, 2 builds in a week (one more yesterday).
  • 4 weeks of prepatch means they need to ship the 29th.

Based on that.


It would still be the shortest end of season announcement in recent history.

I believe one was a Beta build, also there can be multiple release candidates released before pre-patch.

It has never been said the prepatch would be 4 weeks long, nor is there enough content that would require 4 weeks of it.

Also last two times pre-patch was announced on Friday and live the following Tuesday.

I mean, it’s that or the shortest pre-patch in history. Pick your poison.

Nope, both of the builds this week were tagged Release candidates on PTR. 3598x (don’t remember the last digit) and now 36021.

Beta is a different beast, and is on a different development branch (9.0.2 instead of 9.0.1).

It has never been said the announcement needs to be longer than 8 days.

This isn’t an argument my dude, you asked me what my prediction was based of, I gave you my points. You’re free to make your own prediction, but at the end of the day, they’re just that : Predictions.


Hate to say even Blizzard don’t know cause SL is a complete and utter mess atm.


Yeah, it annoys me severely when I see people acting like they can’t work from home.

They are working on software, 100% of the work on this game can be done remotely. They can use meeting and presentation software that is literally better than having a meeting in a conference room.

On top of that, you don’t even have to VPN anymore. A company like Blizzard definitely uses something superior like RD Gateway.


Actually it was said by Ion I believe in an interview with a streamer. There are many changes besides “content” plus there has never been apre-patch shorter than 4 weeks.

I don’t really get why people are getting there panties twisted about a prepatch.

Lets say it is released on the 13th. How does that effect anyone? The prepatch is just goofing around and laying the ground work for the expansion. Often, core abilities are not even accessible. Even if the prepatch only lasts 2 weeks, so what? Who cares?

I could see consternation if the actual release date was pushed forward. But why are people so antsy about a prepatch? We have had experience and rep boosts for months - which negates the need for more Alt catch ups like the Legion invasions.


People are bored, sick and tired of BFA. We want to use new customizations, experience the new event and quests, try out the new leveling experience, etc.


Your making me sad stop. :broken_heart:

This really isn’t true. SL is receiving a lot more positive feedback from streamers and testers than BFA did. The expansion as a whole is looking much more positive in a lot of ways.

Where it is a current mess is the covenants/legandary discrepancies in performance. The good news is that these performance discrepancies can be addressed without needing to completely overhaul the system like BFA needed. The bad news is we are very close to launch and I don’t think they will be able to reign in the imbalance by that time.


Not going to happen… 29th or 6th at the latest. People want time to adjust to class changes, level alts with reworked leveling system and have access to the new customizations. Also Allied Races unlockable without rep grinding and Pathfinder no longer needed for WoD and Legion. Lastly corruption will finally be DEAD.

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The worst part, is it’s been done remotely for decades, and the tools to do it have been some of the best ever made for any kind of work.

Some little guy from Finland managed to make the most popular Operating System kernel without ever sitting down in a meeting room with his partners and has been doing it for 30 years.

Source management tools all provide feedback mecanism, builds and testing are automated using CI tools, collaborative platforms all integrate webhooks to provide status reports directly into task assignments.

It’s crazy how advanced software development as gotten.


Sure. But all that could happen for 2 weeks before the expac. How long does it take to sit at the barber and check out stuff, and play in the zombie events? It won’t occupy 2 weeks.

I think Blizzard would be smart to wait until the 13th. There is little reason to release it before hand.

I am pretty sick of corruption and bfa in general, just as you said. But the prepatch isnt some huge content dive meant to take up weeks upon weeks - it’s just an intermission before the expac.

The shorter the prepatch is, the better, imo. I get annoyed in that prepatch time, where everything is broken and wonky and sort of pointless. If it was cut from a month to two weeks, all the better.

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