Has there been an announcement yet?
If not we’re pushing past the established 12-14 day end of season notice to make the 6th.
Has there been an announcement yet?
If not we’re pushing past the established 12-14 day end of season notice to make the 6th.
I am still hoping for the 29th, but judging by no end of season announcement either, looks like we’re going to be in for a short prepatch.
Kind of a shame, because I like using time in prepatch to also getting to know the changes and preparing myself for new adventures.
Posted on Monday.
Is there a date in that?
The end of season notice went out on Monday.
The date will be added when the pre-patch is announced I’m guessing sometime today with the pre-patch on Tuesday. If not it will be the 6th. Last two times pre-patch was announced on Friday and live the following Tuesday.
There’s never a date in the end of season notice. Here’s BfA :
But there is the phrase “Season X Ending soon”
Just saying, It’s Friday, you aint got no date and you aint got no stuff to do.
Yes, it was there in the monday annoucement.
OMG, I guess we will have to wait and see…
Was that an explanation of what will happen buried deep in a what to expect in the content post or actually the announcement of the end of season.
And if it is, why not be a little more clear about it?
Blizzard and clarity have never really gotten along well
You know, you can check out the link someone gave you right ?
It’s as clear as its always been for this type of announcement, the date is added is later on usually.
So still up in the air?
This isn’t about announcing what will happen, it’s about when.
Blizzard’s lack of transparency never ceases to amaze me.
Chances are the announcement will be coming today or tomorrow. People keep saying the 6th like it’s written in stone but they forget Blizz is nothing if not inconsistent with pre-patch releases. We’ve never seen a pre-patch hit with less than a month to go before launch before so it seems likely it will be live this coming Tuesday.
Bottom line - look for the announcement today or tomorrow and if it doesn’t happen then assume the 6th.
Honestly the message the post they put out couple days ago is basically your warning
You have to take into account covid.
The people are in not in the office. The things they normally coordinate are most likely much harder.
same I was really banking on at least having 3 weeks to figure out if I wanted to continue with my main resto druid or switch off to a frost DK or affliction warlock.
They always keep the date itself on a much shorter notice in case of last minute snaffus. The RC build on PTR that they released earlier this week already has seen an extra update. We’re now up to build 36021 as the latest RC.
I refuse to believe that there is a possibility of the patch dropping anytime after the 6th.