Then it inherently fails in its entire point. It should not be a gold sink at this time if their intended goals are what they claimed they were. This doesn’t contradict my claim it makes it very clear.
This removes its QoL improvement and makes its use more or less useless for the average player for its intended goal.
This only makes it clearer that they messed this up horribly and doesn’t answer the questions of how this would be useful in the future when it can’t answer any of our current problems with storage as it is now.
It was staged as QoL and to make it less needed to do the whole Guild Bank storage most people end up using as well as allowing us to easily share resource between our toons as well as give us gear for our alts for our time on our mains.
The only part of its stated goals that it does well enough, and I think that could have been entirely circumvented by just making all our gold shared between toons baseline rather than needing to be passed, is giving us an easy way to share our gold regardless of servers.
It does none of those things well or easily or for the future of the game.