Cost of Raiding

Same energy as “save money, take the avocado off of your toast”.

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we aren’t pretending anything, we have no idea, that was the point of the original post

Oh we have plenty big enough of an idea just based off simple math, but people want to play devils advocate and argue the completely illogical side for the sake of arguing. But to each their own.

ok lets play a game

name 5 items in the history of classic vanilla in 2019 that sold for more than 50k and who bought them, you can even have the gressil as 1

…you won’t know unless you look this up is my guess, which means, u are just basing this off of vibes

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The math?

Top tier math

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Yes basic math.

so you know that people buying items for 10 to 50k gold is 80% of the rmt, without knowing the actual statistic which is 100% of rmt, you are so far off that you give yourself a 500% leeway, then you say its math

my house cost between 100 and 500k, that’s 80% of a number i don’t know, its math

sure glad u arent my accountant

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You do realize how bidding works right? That high ticket items go for varying amounts right? That there is a large variation in price on those items right? Just checking.

Here ill correct it for you since you need your hand held. 5-100k Since minimums were usually 5k and gressil went for 100k.

well that’s really gonna be a problem for your math isn’t it? how can you do the math on something when you don’t even know the “varying amounts”, you just guess? could be 10k? could be 50k? could be 250? who knows

who bought the gressil for 100k?

Because any number in that spectrum is STILL more than what anyone would buy now for raid consumes/mounts/boosting. THAT IS THE POINT. It doesn’t matter what number it is on that spectrum of variation, THEY ARE ALL HIGHER THAN WHAT ANYONE WOULD BE BUYING NOW.

Hell someone could buy gold for hand of rag crafting or even prep for Thunderfury preping and its STILL cheaper than the average big ticket item in a GDKP

so let me get this straight

we are doing maths without numbers and just filling the numbers in depending on whatever suits us, and then saying that numbers can be a spectrum and then use our own randomly made up numbers as evidence?

there’s something on the spectrum but its not maths

not a single one?

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Bro you cant compare numbers on a 5 year old server to one thats like 3 months old.

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Going to play that game now because you are trying to argue a completely illogical point for the sake of arguing? Mmkay.

Trying to deflect with a question that means nothing to the conversation.

Tear, DFT, Gressil, MoM, Kingsfall, THC, Wraith blade… with about 20 more to add

5 year old server? it was the same age as this server when people were spending that amount of gold lol.

so no instances of this? no names? no videos, just random items taken out of atlas loot? no ledgers

but but but but it was happening regularly right…

should be thousands of instances of this if it was a widespread as u said, yet nothing? who bought the gressil for 100k you mentioned? you don’t know?

but but the data! the data…uhh you don’t have

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By that logic gold buying isn’t happening now. Do you have receipts?

Anyone who actually ran or participated in GDKPs knows the numbers are valid.


Swipers are seething

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well you see the difference is, every gdkp has a ledger and tons of them are streamed

who streams themselves buying gold?

you told me you have the data, but you have absolutely nothing, you don’t even know what your own opinion is based off of

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You wouldn’t know. You got hard carried with a single digit parse. A 6, really?! :joy: Honestly even consumables wouldn’t have helped you.

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This is happening on Anni realms. Items aren’t being bid, just sold at a flat price. Last price check I saw for OSG was 5k.

I have no idea how many people have taken these offers, but it’s there.

So in jokers streams, multiple times people were saying they can buy gold to bid on items. People offering to sell gold so people can win bids.

I don’t see anyone in anni streams selling people gold to buy raid consumes.

So with your logic, gold buying doesn’t exist at the moment.