Cost of Raiding

3% of the entire raiding playerbase gets cutting edge.

Comparing it to bosses with low clear rates but way above 3% is silly.

I have cutting edges, unlike you.

They can but people who clear Mythic Raids are tight knit guilds that are going to use loot council and not bidding.

It’s not hard to figure out honestly.

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Hard content to him is clearing molten core

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And none are gdkps

Just proves there are better loot systems

There are for guilds it’s loot Council and for pugs it’s gdkp.

I have first-hand knowledge on the topic you don’t mythic is far too hard for you

If a trucker can do it, anyone can do it

Listen I know you’re dying for my attention but I’m really busy on the cataclysm forums.

The game I actually play

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Pay attention to the road!

Don’t worry I will be fine I’m currently 77,000 pounds.

It’s everyone else who needs to pay attention!

Big talk by someone who got conquered by emus


Literally conquered.

They own that land now.

no it doesn’t :expressionless: you are making things up

Didn’t you guys lose to lefties

lmao heroic rag is solved content. and it was also harder during OG cata. Cata classic is playing on the last patch. How is this lost on people that classic is always set to the easiest version it can possibly be. Its impossible for any PVE content in a classic version of the game to be difficult.

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That is mostly all true.

If it was all true stuff like heroic lich King and heroic rag would see much higher clear rates.

They should be close to 100% tho right since it’s all “solved content” right?

Mythic raids are also solved content, unless you’re literally week 1 world first racers.

Even doing it 1-2 months later and getting cutting edge would still mean you have the strats.

Apparently having strats=executing them tho.

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stop trying to pretend like your retail version of WoW is an accomplishment please :expressionless: it’s all easy

Id love to watch you try and do mythic lmfao.

I promise you aren’t in the 3% of players to get a cutting edge.

Can’t you just buy the achievement?

I figured a known swiper would ask that.

Yeah you can which makes the people that actually achieved it lower than 3%
Way different than anything in classic