Cost of Raiding

Just another reason they are banned. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Wait till he realises what thread he is posting in

:joy: Smells like Projection.

You are like the background singer to this convo, randomly jumping in with pokes and jabs that don’t make a whole lot of sense. Like lil’wayne on the track, i’ve just waiting for a “YEAH!!! WHAT!!!”

You’re so upset someone is calling out your nonsense opinions.


Also, that was Lil Jon not Lil Wayne. Yikes.

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Upset? :rofl:

Would it make you feel better if you thought I was malding and not laughing at the stupidity of this entire conversation? Okay brother. I’m super mad. Like… hulk smash mad. Like… punch you in the face big mad. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I can see that.

Everybody can.

I’m so mad, and believe in what I post so much that I hide behind alts when I post on the forum :kissing_closed_eyes:

We know that.

We can see your post count.

Interesting how you are posting in a Classic thread in a discussion about anniversary realms on a level 80 character. However cringe it may be, I don’t want you to swap your avatar to your main. Probably get some kind of ban request about inciting bullying or some crap.

Interesting after pointing out all the nonsense you’ve been spewing that your only response is to act like I am hiding something?


Man, this is too funny.

My fresh char has the same name. It makes no difference kid.

but YOU haven’t pointed a single thing out lil Jon. The things that were pointed out were rebutted successfully.

Not sure what you are talking about at this point.

Oh you are in Mctwist’s guild. of course you are dry humping the GDKP gang.

You have consistently talked for Blizzard.

It’s just nonsense.

Also, every post is chalk full of ignorance as if banning GDKPs had any effect at all on RMTs.

You don’t have any clue what you’re talking about. That much is obvious.

I have QUOTED blizzard several times, Not really talked for them. I have made logical conclusions based on what they have stated, my own experiences, blizzard policy changes, recorded video evidence, old GDKP discord server price lists from 2019, and experiences of others in the community. Never once have I SPOKE for Blizzard.

You have tons of logical information thrown in your face by not only me but about 5 other people in this thread, but you want to sit there and try to cope with the idea that removing GDKP didn’t reduce the amount of RMT taking place.

The word I believe is Delusional.

That’s a funny way to say nonsenical opinions.

This is a super cute way to try to bait. :kissing_closed_eyes:

there were a lot of things u just basically ignored

here’s 1

here’s 2


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I don’t need to bait.

You crashed out before I even tried.

He had a meltdown.

He needs to chill out.

Probably ignored because it was already responded to and the response wasn’t to your liking, or didn’t merit a response.

Made my point for me that items are sold for upwards of 197k
Copied a list from 2019 Classic’s AQ release of minimum bid standards from a well known GDKP organizer.

Again, answer wasn’t to your liking the first time I responded to a similar question of yours, so asking again didn’t merit a response.

Again, already answered once but was asked again because it wasn’t an answer you liked. Personal experiences, the obvious lack of need for high amounts of gold due to GDKP being removed, people not openly admitting to buying gold in and or out of game like they did in 2019, less spam from gold sellers in trade/lfg/whispers because clearly the market is dry as hell compared to when GDKPs were allowed. IDK dude take your pick.

That’s cute that you think I crashed out :kissing_closed_eyes: pretty narcissistic of you to think a single thing you have said could elicit some kind of negative emotion from me. :joy:

You tried personally attacking me.

You take losing very badly.

Try working on that mate.

Also, bring facts to arguments not opinions.