Cost of Raiding

I’d say more so than people looking to earn money from another companies game

i have no receipts not supporting the ban? there are none

that’s the entire point

he has no receipts, he knows nothing, he’s just guessing and saying it’s true


dare i ask how its noticeable


Kept them unbanned? Banned in all SoD, Classic, and Fresh servers. Not a thing in retail which only leaves Era.

Again, blizzard has the receipts. So if you are basing your argument purely off people with receipts you’d be in support of the gdkp ban.

Unless… :thinking:

so we’ve gotten to the point of the thread where we’ve been so owned we decide to randomly accuse the person of gold buying or selling? i’m not sure which i’m being accused of this time

u did call it

I guess I’ll remind you guys, blizzard didn’t even want to admit that rmt is the reason for the gdkp ban, for some reason, they went with a different one…

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Then you are here to argue an obviously terrible take for the sake of arguing for what? Because you got triggered over “No DaTa iS BeInG PrOvIdeD My BrAiN CaN’T HaNdLE, TeACheRs AlWaYs SaID NeED SoURcE To MaKe ClAim?!”

so wait

you are just telling us in your funny spongebob meme format that you just make random stuff up and post it, and now ur angry at me for saying “hey this looks like random thoughts of a very confused man”

I only called you out on it because there was no way that you could ever verify it because you made it up

What? They literally came out said gdkps drive botting and rmt

Except for there being evidence to support items being sold for prices at upwards of 100k+ and people in the same video casually talking about buying gold to bid higher?

they literally said that it erodes social structures and that’s why it was being banned, and then added gdkp to the paragraph below that

remember when i asked you for it and you couldn’t find it? and told me to trust you?

You have been told about 5 times it’s Jokerd’s vod. go find it. In fact you have even admitted to seeing it. You even stated there are tons of react videos to it. What is your problem now?

its a 14 day ban. nothing will happen to your account. go swipe like your guildmates lmaooo

so wait, the 100k gressil that you are describing, is not a 2nd one, but the original 197k one with all those videos about it?

i think we did some dnerves math and confused me, i didn’t realise you meant 100k = 197k

so once again, we are back to the


Hell just for fun I browsed through my old discords. TL’s Minimum bid list just for AQ C’Thun

Death’s Sting - 5k
Scepter of the False Prophet - 5k
Gaunts of anni - 6k
Grasp of the old god - 2K
Cloak of Clarity - 3k
Dark Storm gaunts - 5k
Belt of never-ending - 4k
Eyestalk Waist Cord - 5k
Mark of C’Thun - 1k
Carapace - 2K
Husk - 1K
Eye - 2500
Dark Edge - 3500
Tentacle - 1k
Ring of the Godslayer - 1K
Cloak of the Devoured - 3500

And thats just C’Thun loot. :joy:

They’re only banned in sod and anni servers.

Every other gamemode has legal access to gdkps.

So yes, kept them unbanned.

If they’re such a factor in RMT, and Blizzard has empirical data on their end (even without showing us), then they would logically ban gdkps from every server from every gamemode. But they didn’t.

Matter of fact, they didn’t even talk about RMT in their reasoning for banning gdkps in anni.

The only time they explicitly banned gdkps with RMT as a reason is SOD. That is the only thing that fits your narrative.

They are banned in ALL servers EXCEPT retail and Era. Retail they don’t do it, and Era is so inflated it doesn’t matter.

Banne din SoD, Banned in Classic Cata, Banned in Anniversary

yeah ur lack of knowledge about the game is unfortunately really showing, its “just c’thun loot”, none of which are over 10k, in your 10-50k claim

want to know where death’s sting ranks in naxx? its game bis.

How about goa? game bis for warrior, 6k

eye of cthun? bis, 2500…?

eyestalk? bis

belt of neverending agony ? game bis

u really showed me how “big items go for 50k” by linking me 6k goas

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They are only banned in SOD and Anni servers. The old HC servers? You can gdkp on them. Cata servers? You can gdkp on them.

Maybe you don’t understand what minimum means?

Banned there.

so what was the point in linking extremely low bid game bis items minimum bids if you weren’t trying to prove something?

“oh yeah, the entire point of my post owns me? well this is just the min bid”