It does when it is a controversial ban, a ban likely to upset and split the community. When done on fresh servers it is easier to track how much gold buying for GDKP is affecting the game with a fresh economy vs data from servers that allowed it in the past. Era was already ruined. hell GDKP shares on Era are 8k-10k payouts the gold is so inflated from the years of gold buying for GDKPs it is laughable, and that is what’s left AFTER everyone moved onto TBC. GDKPs don’t exist in retail, and I haven’t played Cata since firelands release but they really didn’t exist there either, mostly because when they banned GDKPs in SoD everyone thought it was across the board for classic and just stopped doing them for several months.
Fact is they banned it in SoD, it clearly worked for them to reduce RMT enough to say HEY! lets do that again for anniversary. to think otherwise would be… what was the phrase you used?? oh… “That’s cope”
In line with our policy enacted on Season of Discovery realms
Which is the policy they chose to in-act in Anniversary realms. Same policy, so same “SoD” statement applies. They are just pandering to the same spiel they always do about “Community” because that is the buzz word involved with Classic and getting it back to a “Community” based game. same reason they fought back and forth over giving us dungeon finder.
GDKP isn’t the ONLY thing that caused RMT but it was the largest and they continue to combat other reasons and avenues of RMT.

Atleast this time they didn’t call half their players gold buyers on a whim.
Pretty sure it was true when that statement was made and they had the data to back up the statement, probably wasn’t a good look to admit it, but they did which is why it wasn’t brought up this time.
Fact is if it didn’t have positive results when they REMOVED IT FOR RMT PURPOSES they wouldn’t have kept it removed for Anniversary and proof read the blue post so they didn’t admit they can’t trust their player base to follow the rules and not buy gold this time around.

Please, you’re actually lowering my IQ. I’d retain more brain cells getting trashed, over continuing this. You’re so unapologetically stupid.
Honestly if you can’t understand why they wouldn’t mention it being banned for RMT purposes this time around and instead say “Yup worked for SoD we doing it here, but this time we aren’t going to call our community a bunch of gold buyers, instead we are going to be wholesome and say it brings the community together” Then I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe “Getting Trashed” already took it’s toll.