Cosmetic Mog for Pirates' Day?

We’re getting these by Sept. 19th?


I hope so. There are a few quests that use them on Horde side and they looked great. I would love to have them.


Probably not, unfortunately. I would love all those items to be added to the transmog collection, though.

I figured as much. Saw the ‘Garland of Grain’ was added to cosmetic helms; Fairly positive it’s a Brewfest item. I figure unless this thread gets traction, or it occurs to the Devs that these are items players want, they’re not going into the game on or before Pirates’ Day.

I sure hope so! pirate mogs are my favorite mogs, and I still don’t have enough of em!

Give us the pirate mogs, Blizz!


Definitely need them dew rags


The side-facing bicorne hats would be great as well. The forward-facing bicorne appearances we always get from Blizzard in particular clash with Worgen faces.

Omg that sounds great. Haha


I must be a Gnome piratess!

Too bad I don’t like Islands, which is my guess where they come from?

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They should also make the set you get from becoming exalted with the bloodsail Buccaneers a cosmetic option.

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I really hope so!

Transmog is my favorite aspect of the game!

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Looks like theres another thing we agree on!

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Woof. 10char

So far, they’re implemented in game as part of some horde quests, an alliance quest, and on NPCs in zem’lan and Freehold.
Id love for them to drop in general, or be sold by Chester at the Darkmoon Faire, or another thematically appropriate NPC there.

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My preference is the ability to get the appearances from a vendor. Regardless, these appearances need to be added to the game.

Thanks for the Bee Mount Blizz. I still want these appearances.