[Cosmetic] [Feedback] 10.2 and Druid forms

The extra mile towards adding more class flavor is always so highly appreciated by a lot of people, I hope they never stop doing stuff like this.

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Still waiting for White Snow Leopard Travel form that was datamined in Shadowlands and White Raven Flight forms. :v

Back on topic though. I love that druids are getting some love this patch (not so love is the fact no new announced druid races). I also love that Moonkin is now going to be so full customizable that no two moonkin will look alike (unless you opt to remain the standard race moonkin). As far as Moonkin though I’d LOVE To see new Moonkin body types!


Boomer mode here but I would love a glyph to be able to continue using my original cheetah form. There used to be a glyph for this when it was changed to a stag but this glyph now uses the updated model and the old model can no longer be used.

The flight form which allows you to carry people is quite big and bulky, would be nice if the same idea from dragonriding mounts, which turns your friend into a little baby whelp can be applied to the flight form? Maybe they can be a little crow or something if you use the traditional flight form models.


I am in love with my Moonkin’s new form! However, going into Incarnation, reverts you to the old moonkin skin, with tier-5 armor. Can we have that changed?


I was able to get the new Owl flight form and the Travel form last night. I am also loving the new Moonkin form, such an amazing patch for druids and I am really happy they are finally giving Druids some love.

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This 1000% idk how fast they would be able to do this, maybe through a glyph or something ? But after being in the new Form the incarnation also bothers me a lot.

They could just give the same glow Celestial Alignment gives

After playing this patch for 2 days, I’m a little bit insulted with the “Special Encounters” (they arent called rares anymore) that drop druid forms. No notification that they’re up on the overworld map, they die too fast, and their respawn rate is disrespectful of the time you said you wanted to respect. Not to mention one druid form dropping rare has 5 different spawn locations across the entire map.

To say I’m frustrated with the lack of listening to us on the topic of respawn rates of random encounters is an understatement. I’ve only been requesting lower respawn rates since forever.

Why can’t we just have these druid forms that drop off these encounters be purchasable off the Renown Vendor at Renown Cap like everything else?


They are also pretty upset on the general discussion forum as well, not just with the Druid specific rares but rares in general.


The game cant have everything be stacked on a vendor for purchase.
Doesnt it make sense to have the variations of the forms you are learning drop from the same type of mob you kill?

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The biggest pain point is a long respawn time and a 1-2% drop chance.


What Cyrios said on top of the fact these mobs do not show up on the map, no one is announcing they are up, and they can be killed in less than 30 seconds solo. This is frustration incarnate and is not healthy for game play or players trying to get it.

Several things need to be done to make these more viable. A. Make them appear on the map like normal encounters do. B. Make them spawn invulnerable for 1 minute (like dreamsurge rares). C. Buff their health.

It makes zero sense to make these druid forms as frustrating as they are right now. I will repeat, it does not respect the players time.


They fixed this! Thanks Blizz

It takes a total of 42 seconds or less to bring up a wowhead page or use an addon like All The Things to learn the physical location to where any of these rares spawn. You can do a little leg work to check to see if it’s up. I think that’s a truly terrible example of anything remotely -frustration incarnate-.
That doesn’t even register on the meter.

The drops themselves are low, sure. You’re not expected to get them in a few days or weeks even, depending. Why is it such an issue that it may take you a month to finally get it to drop if you check passively?
You need it now? Okay, so you’re frustrated that it hasnt dropped or its not super easy to get. That’s not a game breaking issue. That’s a personal validation thing.
Which I think has no bearing on many of these posts from folks.
The system isn’t broken. It isn’t in “need” of change. The rares are easy to find. If you use your wits to server hop, or log in for 2 minutes at any point out of your normal schedule if you can. There are options.

‘‘I don’t think it’s an issue so you shouldn’t think so either’’

It’s fine playing devils advocate, but saying we should use clever use of mechanics (server hopping through LFG is just that) or use outside sources just tells you it’s a bad system.


Devils Advocate?

I think the mass complaining is facilitated on a baseless understanding of how not terrible the system is.
To say that its bad design holds no water in any tanglible discussion in my mind.
I give two extremely useful tactics to use that require very little skill or time to help any player finish those rare grinds in a fraction of the time and its just dismissed.

Past all of what I just said, there is room for work and improvement.

I know the system very well and it’s horrible.


The Treant Form no longer gets set on fire when standing on a campfire, we’d like to get a confirmation if it’s a bug or intended remove, it was a fun easter egg.

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Popping in here to say I did the grind. Got all 6 forms and it was NOT fun. There was always the moment I was at one rare and fearing one was up and not being called out because the NA community is notorious for not calling things out that don’t pop up on the overall map.

I HATED every moment of it when it could have been made simpler. We’re not asking for hand outs but a respect of our time and that respect means lowering the respawn rates of these rares. We are NOT asking for an increase in drop rate, we’re NOT asking to remove the daily loot lockout. Just lower the respawn rate. There is nothing wrong with that and there will be zero “power” benefits if their respawn timers are lessened. Their drops would remain as they are. The “Its rare so it should remain less frequent” is an archaic term that needs to be sunset. Blizz has already stopped calling them rares and elected to call them “Special Encounters.”

If a lower respawn time is unfavorable then at least make them show up on the overall map and give them a 1 minute invulnerability because the moment they pop some gung-ho warrior or other class will swoop in and engage and it’ll be dead in 30 seconds.

Once again displaying proof that I did the grind.


Another thing I’d like to be added for Druids is taking inspiration from the Season of Discovery for Priests, where races can learn from each other’s beliefs.

It would be cool that different races of Druids could, through some content have access to other Druids forms.