Cosemetic Challenges and What True Reward and Accomplishment is

I am a player who likes a challenge. To the point some, or a lot may call me insane. Especially when I am rewarded exclusive cosmetic rewards that can show off my accomplishments.
This started big time with me in WoD with the Challenge Warlord Gold appearances.
I worked myself to death to obatin this reward, and it is something I am proud of.

Now leys get to Legion.
I completed every single mage tower challenge except for three: Demonology warlock, Destruction warlock, and Elemental Shaman.
This was absolute hell, and for the time i spent trudging through hell. The time I speant learning every single challenge, every single class, every single spec, and the time I had to spend to get proficient enough in each one to EARN each appearance especially as a PUG PLAYER who earned every single piece of gear I had. The time I spent pugging, grinding, adapting, learning, and enduring to be able to EARN THESE while you sat around, paid people to carry you through dungeons and raids. The time you spent wasting time in trade.
I was slaving away.

There is nothing more instulting to me as a self made player who EARNED MY REWARDS to have people ask Blizzard to “Bring them back” that “its not fair”, “I should be able to have these! I paid my sub fee!”.

There is nothing that would be more insulting to me than if Blizzard did such a thing after I pushed my way through hell than you asking for these to be a free hand out.

Subtlety rogue just FYI took me over 144 attempts to complete that challenge alone.

You do not deserve these. You did not earn them.

Next time Blizzard releases some cosmetic rewards that you have to actually PLAY THE GAME AND LEARN TO EARN, why don’t you sit down. Stop paying people to play the game for you, because you CAN do it. If I complete 35/38 than you can do ONE.
You are the only obstacle standing in the way of rewards when you pay somebody to play the game for you I think you deserve nothing because these rewards mean nothing to you.
An accomplishment, especially a hard one you had to work, persevere and overcome the odds to do is a reward.

I feel there are so many players who don’t even know what accomplishment is.


I do not know where this character “Bob Ross” came from. But I am Chunkierfish of the guild “The Neckbeard Coalition” from the realm Wyrmrest-Accord.

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Hello, im looking at the collection plate (which is super awesome btw) and I’m trying to find this great stuff you are referring to that u transmog into? If i look in the catalogue theres like… nothing I would get that isnt from WOTLK or later. I’m just wondering what u found that is so great? I recently found a hippogryph (wanted one since hinterlands? I think im not sure it was so long ago) but aside from that theres like not anything I would invest any time in getting. (My last possible chance to do it before I had to wait for reset, at least 30-50 tries.)

You don’t understand accomplishment. The side effect of a player base that pays people to play the game for them.

Give that a scroll through.

-Greatsword of the Inferno

  • Living Longbow
  • Shifting Felblade (My personal favorite)
    But all of them are awesome. And hard earned. VERY hard earned,

I prefer weapons that arent full of flame or fire or glowing weird stuff. I just want a simple, elegant bow or a elaborately gemmed knife to use.

I like to see these big flashy weapons on characters who look like they bought their outfit at a thrift store and it just makes me laugh. Keep up the good work!